
Lung cancer patients to benefit from revolutionary new drug on NHS

Thousands of lung cancer patients in England will be fast-tracked a ground-breaking new drug which can significantly reduce the risk of cancer returning, thanks to a deal brokered by NHS England. The MHRA has now approved the effective therapy, atezolizumab, to treat non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), with more than 850 patients in England expected […]

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New treatment to reduce effects of peanut allergy to benefit thousands of children

Thousands of children and young people will receive a pioneering treatment for peanut allergy after NHS England secured the first deal of its kind in Europe. The treatment, known as Palforzia, helps to reduce the severity of reactions to peanuts – including anaphylaxis – making family holidays abroad, birthday parties, and Christmas treats possible for […]

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NHS treats first patient with the ‘world’s most expensive drug’

A five-month old baby has become the first patient to receive a potentially life-saving drug on the NHS that can prevent paralysis and prolong the lives of children with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). Arthur Morgan, who was diagnosed with SMA earlier this month, received the one-off gene therapy at Evelina London Children’s Hospital on May […]

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NHS England concludes wide-ranging deal for cystic fibrosis drugs

NHS England has today announced it has secured a definitive agreement with Vertex Pharmaceuticals to make available all three of their UK-licensed cystic fibrosis medicines. This means NHS patients will now have full access to Orkambi, Symkevi and Kalydeco, and around 5000 people may now take up these treatments. There is no cap on patient numbers, and each and every patient in England who […]

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Improved NHS care for Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis and Motor Neurone Disease to save 2,500 hospital trips

People living with brain and nerve conditions like Parkinson’s could benefit from quicker diagnosis and better coordinated care as part of a new NHS initiative, which is also set to free up millions of pounds to reinvest in patient care. NHS experts have joined forces with seven leading charities to produce a toolkit that will […]

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NHS England to fund first ever treatment for children with rare muscle-wasting condition

NHS England will provide a promising new treatment which can prolong the lives of children with a rare genetic condition after negotiating a deal with the manufacturer. Nusinersen, also called Spinraza and made by Biogen, is the first treatment that targets the underlying cause of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). The condition affects the nerves in […]

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PrEP Impact Trial to be expanded

New places for the PrEP Impact Trial will now start to be released following agreement at the PrEP Oversight Board. Implementation of the PrEP Impact trial has been a huge success with over 11,500 participants already enrolled in this important HIV prevention measure. With the speed of recruitment and need for PrEP significantly exceeding initial […]

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