General practice

Millions of patients benefiting from remote consultations as family doctors respond to COVID-19

Millions of patients have been getting expert support from family doctors from the comfort of their own homes while the NHS responds to COVID-19. Remote consultations are one way in which GP practices have changed the way they work to ensure people can get expert care and advice in a safe way throughout the COVID-19 […]

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NHS urges public to get essential vaccines despite coronavirus outbreak

NHS England is urging people to attend all regular vaccination appointments to prevent outbreaks of serious diseases and reduce pressure on the health service. The NHS is continuing to help people to manage illness linked to coronavirus, but is still urging parents to bring children forward for lifesaving jabs to stop killer diseases like measles […]

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Thousands of former NHS staff are back on the front line in the NHS fight against coronavirus

Almost 5,000 former staff are now back on the NHS front line after coming out of retirement to support the coronavirus effort. The returning doctors, nurses, midwives and other healthcare professionals in England are now helping to tackle the ‘unprecedented global health threat’. The 4,800 will be boosted shortly with another 10,300 returners having completed […]

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Former docs and nurses told “Your NHS Needs You” to tackle greatest global health threat in history

More than 65,000 former nurses and doctors will today be told “the NHS needs you“, as a new recruitment drive gets underway to support the fight against coronavirus. England’s top nurse and top doctor have called on colleagues who have left the NHS in recent years to re-register and help the health service to tackle […]

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Primary Care Network service specifications and the Network DES: close of engagement

In December 2019, we published five draft service specifications for engagement; these followed agreement with the British Medical Association General Practitioners Committee (BMA GPC) in January 2019 that the five specifications would form part of the Network DES for 2020/21. Huge thanks are due to the large numbers of GPs, local medical committees (LMCs) and […]

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Improved NHS migraine care to save thousands of hospital stays

Headache and migraine sufferers will benefit from better diagnosis and care as part of the NHS Long Term Plan to improve local health services, avoiding up to 16,500 emergency hospital admissions every year. Health chiefs and other experts believe that the greater use of ‘headache diaries’ and fast access to specialist advice for family doctors […]

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