Patient care

New toolkit launched to help reduce poor in-patient care

A new toolkit is published today by NHS England to help commissioners reduce poor experience of in-patient care. The toolkit has been co-designed with the help of a number of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) so it could be tested for its ease and usability. Paul Jebb, Experience of Care Professional Lead at NHS England, explained: “Using […]

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‘Lab in a bag’ will transform the way we care for patients

NHS England is backing the development of a groundbreaking mobile diagnostics service that will deliver laboratory standard test results outside of hospital and allow patients to be diagnosed and treated at the point of care. The Labkit® Near Patient Diagnostics service is a portable bag containing devices capable of producing a range of patient test results […]

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NHS England supports national Nutrition and Hydration Week

NHS England is this week supporting a national campaign to raise awareness of the importance of good nutrition and hydration care. Nutrition and Hydration Week is a campaign of joint action by Hospital Caterers Association, National Association of Care Catering and NHS England to improve awareness of good nutrition and hydration for patients in health […]

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NHS England encourages people to Think Kidneys on World Kidney Day

Lack of knowledge about our kidneys could lead to rise in unnecessary deaths due to acute kidney injury (AKI). Research by Ipsos MORI on behalf of Think Kidneys reveals a major lack of knowledge about the function and care of human kidneys, the hardest working organs in our body, amongst the public. Kidney health specialists […]

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Joint statement in response to the Jimmy Savile investigations: NHS England, NHS Trust Development Authority, Care Quality Commission and Monitor

The abusive behaviour of Jimmy Savile revealed in today’s reports into Stoke Mandeville and other NHS premises is truly shocking. As we said last summer, our sympathy is with the victims and we thank them very sincerely for their bravery in coming forward to talk to the investigations. Kate Lampard’s ‘Lessons Learnt’ report makes recommendations […]

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NHS England and Public Health England guide highlights importance of communities to health and wellbeing

Guide is part of joint ‘Working with communities – empowerment, evidence and learning’ project A new guide from NHS England and Public Health England has identified how local government and the NHS have important roles in building confident communities to improve health and reduce inequalities. The guide states the move to a new health system, […]

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