Patient safety

Foreign body aspiration during intubation, advanced airway management or ventilation

A National Patient Safety Alert has been issued on the risk of foreign body aspiration during intubation, advanced airway management or ventilation. National Patient Safety Alert – Foreign body aspiration during intubation, advanced airway management or ventilation About this alert Foreign body aspiration can occur if loose items are unintentionally introduced into the airway during […]

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Steroid Emergency Card to support early recognition and treatment of adrenal crisis in adults

A joint National Patient Safety Alert has been issued by NHS Improvement and NHS England national patient safety team, Royal College of General Practitioners, Royal College of Physicians and Society for Endocrinology, regarding the introduction of a new Steroid Emergency Card to support the early recognition and treatment of adrenal crisis in adults. National Patient […]

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Risk of death from unintended administration of sodium nitrite

A National Patient Safety Alert has been issued on the risk of death from unintended administration of sodium nitrite. National Patient Safety Alert – Risk of death from unintended administration of sodium nitrite About this alert Sodium nitrite has one licensed indication: as an antidote to cyanide poisoning. It can cause significant side effects and […]

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NHS urges trusts to raise awareness around COVID-19

NHS leaders are calling on all hospital trusts and other healthcare providers to ensure additional information and guidance around social distancing, hand hygiene and PPE measures are widely promoted and accessible to staff working at all levels within their organisation. This will involve looking at new and more effective ways to ensure those colleagues who […]

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NHS roadmap to safely bring back routine operations

Health leaders have today set out a series of measures to help local hospitals plan to increase routine operations and treatment, while keeping the necessary capacity and capability to treat future coronavirus patients. Over the coming weeks patients who need important planned procedures – including surgery – will begin to be scheduled for that care, […]

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Blood control safety cannula and needle thoracostomy for tension pneumothorax

A National Patient Safety Alert has been issued on blood control safety cannula and needle thoracostomy for tension pneumothorax National Patient Safety Alert – Blood control safety cannula and needle thoracostomy for tension pneumothorax About this alert To prevent cardiac arrest, immediate temporary decompression is required when tension pneumothorax occurs, for example, following chest trauma, […]

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Interruption of high flow nasal oxygen during transfer

A National Patient Safety Alert has been issued on the risk of harm from interruption of high flow nasal oxygen (HFNO) during transfer. National Patient Safety Alert – Interruption of high flow nasal oxygen during transfer About this alert This alert relates to the risk of harm caused by the interruption of HFNO to babies, […]

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