Specialised commissioning

NHS England strikes deal on life-saving gene-therapy drug that can help babies with rare genetic disease move and walk

A life-saving drug that can enable mobility in babies and young children suffering from a rare genetic condition will be available on the NHS, chief executive Sir Simon Stevens announced today. Zolgensma, which has a reported list price of £1.79 million per dose and is labelled the most expensive drug in the world, will be […]

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Landmark NHS deal to open up access to life-changing cystic fibrosis drug

From today thousands of NHS cystic fibrosis patients in England can benefit from a ‘transformative’ treatment for cystic fibrosis. NHS patients will be among the first in Europe to be prescribed Kaftrio, which significantly improves lung function, helping people with cystic fibrosis to breathe more easily and enhancing their overall quality of life. The treatment […]

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Update on PET-CT services in the Thames Valley area

Joint statement from NHS England and Improvement, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and InHealth. The NHS is committed to detecting more cancers earlier to save more lives. That means a major increase in scanning and diagnostics, so patients can easily access services like PET-CT scanning. To that end, NHS England and Improvement, Oxford University […]

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PrEP Impact Trial to be expanded

New places for the PrEP Impact Trial will now start to be released following agreement at the PrEP Oversight Board. Implementation of the PrEP Impact trial has been a huge success with over 11,500 participants already enrolled in this important HIV prevention measure. With the speed of recruitment and need for PrEP significantly exceeding initial […]

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Update on the PrEP Impact Trial

Implementation of the PrEP Impact trial has been a huge success with over 10,000 participants already enrolled in this important HIV prevention measure. But, the speed of recruitment and demand for PrEP has significantly exceeded initial expert predictions and the trial researchers now consider that more places should be made available. They argue that recruitment […]

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