Nutrition and hydration
Nutrition and hydration guidance has been produced by NHS England to support commissioners to improve the nutritional and hydration needs of their population.
The guidance provides information on:
- commissioning approaches and contact details for commissioners
- activities for commissioners
For further information about the guidance, please email us.
Resources: commissioning approaches and contact details for commissioners
Greenwich CCG
- Has been using QIPP and better care for improving nutrition and hydration
- Using medicines management optimisation approach to reduce inappropriate usage of supplements in nursing homes and primary care
- Using savings to pilot community dietician in GP practices to identify and screen patient at risk and review oral nutrition supplements (ONS)
For more information contact Rachel Oostra, Dietetic Advisor, NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group.
Staffordshire County Council
- In Staffordshire the public health team are working with several partners to deliver an integrated service that includes Age UK. It runs a Department of Health funded project led by Age UK to support volunteers in the community to work with people at risk using the MUST tool.
- It has worked with nursing homes and developed a quality standards certificate.
For more information contact Nicola Day, (Public Health Commissioning Lead: Physical Activity and Nutrition): Tel: (01785) 277859; Age UK South Staffordshire: Nigel Barrett (Community Services Manager).
Salford Together
- In Salford an integrated commissioning group is working together to address malnutrition and the impact of dehydration. They focus on building a strong partnership; identifying those at risk; improving malnutrition in care homes and acute settings; improving identification and care within primary care; raising awareness with the public, carers and the community. This led to producing measuring tools to identify the scale of the problem and a practical tool to identify if a person has malnutrition.
For further details on the work: contact Sarah Cleverly, Project Manager – Integrated Care Programme, Salford Together or go to the Malnutrition Taskforce website.
Chiltern CCG and Aylesbury Vale CCG
- This CCG has used the ‘food first’ approach with care home to reduce pressure ulcers.
- A study was undertaken at flu clinics where patients over the age of 80 were encouraged to be weighed following their flu vaccination. There was a clear correlation between practices which did not have recent weight records for their 80+ year old patients and high level of previously undetected malnutrition. It allowed quick and easy identification of previously unrecognised malnutrition for older patients.
For more information on this CCG approach contact Alison Smith RD, Prescribing Support Dietitian, Medicines Management, Aylesbury Vale CCG and Chiltern CCG.
Food First (Bedfordshire and Luton CCGs’)
- The Medicines Optimisation Teams in Luton CCG and Bedfordshire CCG has commissioned work to improve the identification and management of malnutrition, as well as ensuring the appropriate prescribing of oral nutritional supplements.
- The Food First Project runs an education and training programme in older people care homes, with an award scheme. For more information go to the Food First website or contact Vittoria Romano, Food First Dietitian.
NHS East and South East England Specialist Pharmacy Services
- Has produced a community pharmacy audit based on hydration messages to patients with Urinary Tract infections to prevent Acute Kidney Injury. This will be updated in the Autumn.
For more information contact: Elizabeth Beech, Prescribing Advisor, NHS Bath and North East Somerset CCG
NICE Resources
- Southampton Hospital Foundation Trust – Take a look at a good practice example on acute provision audit and improving MUST record
- Royal Berkshire Hospital has an example of a multi-disciplinary approach to address nutrition and hydration across a trust
- City Healthcare Partnership CIC Nursing and Care Home Provision – The aim of this project was to implement NICE guidance surrounding nutrition screening and appropriate malnutrition management according to risk in care homes and to determine if savings could be generated. For further information go to the NICE website.