NHS response to COVID-19: stepping down from NHS level 3 incident
Published 18 May 2023.
Next steps on transitioning from COVID-19 response to recovery.
Published 19 May 2022.
Planning to respond to potential further waves of COVID-19 or severe outbreaks of other respiratory illnesses during the 2021/22 winter. Letter from Pauline Philip.
Published 25 October 2021.
Guidance for allowing essential frontline staff to return to work following a negative PCR, if they've had potential contact with COVID-19. Letter from Ruth May, Prof Stephen Powis and, Prerana Issar.
Published 19 July 2021.
The national incident level for the NHS COVID-19 response to be reduced from level 4 to level 3.
Published 25 March 2021.
Free hospital car parking for NHS staff and those in greatest need, during the pandemic. Letter from Julian Kelly.
Published 23 March 2021.
Employers to refresh risk assessments for all CEV staff, to determine appropriate work arrangements reflecting the current workplace context. Letter from Prerana Issar and Dr Nikita Kanani.
Published 23 March 2021.
A reminder of key signs of domestic abuse and services that are available for women.
Published 20 March 2021.
Freeing up management capacity and
resources to focus on the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Letter from Amanda Pritchard.
Updated 2 February 2021.
Operational priorities for winter 2021/22. Letter from Amanda Pritchard and Julian Kelly.
Published 23 December 2020.
NHS to move from a regionally managed but nationally supported incident under Level 3, to one that is co-ordinated nationally. Letter from Professor Keith Willett.
Published 5 November 2020.
Letters and guidance about the third phase of the NHS response to COVID-19.
Published 13 July 2020.
Indemnities, arrangements and advice available from the regulatory bodies to ensure trainees can be accommodated in independent sector facilities. Letter from Celia Ingham-Clark and Sheona MacLeod.
Published 8 September 2020.
NHS England and NHS Improvement to support all acute trusts in identifying and resolving any data quality issues, as part of the incident response to restoring elective services. Letter from Pauline Philip and Keith Willett.
Published 17 July 2020.
Steps organisations should be taking to minimise nosocomial infections. Letter from Amanda Pritchard, Ruth May and Prof Stephen Powis.
Published 9 June 2020.
All systems to commence antibody testing as soon as their laboratory capacity permits. Letter from Pauline Philip and Prof Steven Powis.
Published 28 May 2020.
Patients to be supported to make informed decisions by the provision of clear advice on options from their clinicians, with family support or advocacy support if required. Letter from Baroness Campbell and James Sanderson.
Published 20 May 2020.
Allied health professionals (AHPs) at the centre in shaping the rehabilitation agenda while working as part of the wider multidisciplinary and multiagency teams across all sectors.
Published 18 May 2020.
The Home Office have launched a national campaign to raise awareness of the dedicated support available for victims of domestic abuse. Letter from Kate Davies and Kenny Gibson.
Published 15 May 2020.
Setting out the broad operating environment and approach to work to over the coming weeks. Letter from Sir Simon Stevens and Amanda Pritchard.
Published 29 April 2020.
A change in reporting to provide a faster, more comprehensive view of overall COVID-19 deaths in hospitals. Letter from Prof Keith Willett.
Published 28 April 2020.
A reminder of additional benefits of PlGF-based testing as a means of helping to keep women out of hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Published 15 April 2020.
Outlining the principle that each person is an individual whose needs and preferences must be taken account of individually. Letter from Prof Stephen Powis and Ruth May.
Published 7 April 2020.
Further guidance to support staff to free-up management capacity and resources. Letter from Amanda Pritchard.
Published 28 March 2020.
Additional advice for the NHS Genomic Medicine Service to assist with the prioritisation of work, to support COVID-19 testing where needed. Letter from Prof Dame Sue Hill.
Published 26 March 2020.
Adjustments to the national arrangements with independent sector (IS) healthcare providers that originally came into effect on 23 March 2020. Letter from Neil Permain.
Updated 14 August 2020.
Next steps for re-instating activities previously on hold because of the pandemic. Letters from Sir Simon Stevens and Amanda Pritchard.
Updated 6 July 2020.
NHS organisations to support doctors to use their professional judgement to assess risk and make sure people receive safe care, in partnership with patients.
Published 11 March 2020.
NHS organisations to support nursing and midwifery staff to use their professional judgement to assess risk and make sure people receive safe care, in partnership with patients.
Published 12 March 2020.
Guidance on the procedures and equipment required for home diagnostic sampling in persons identified as suitable for this service. Letter from Prof Keith Willett.
Updated 7 March 2020.
Testing can now be expanded to all non-elective patients admitted into organisations that require a bed overnight. Letter from Ruth May and Prof Stephen Powis.
Published 24 April 2020.
NHS organisations to support the healthcare science workforce to continue to respond rapidly and professionally to the conoravirus outbreak, in line with professional standards.
Updated 17 December 2020.
Maintaining the recovery of cancer services along with the delivery of Phase 3 plans through a second wave of the coronavirus. Letter from Dame Cally Palmer and Prof Peter Johnson.
Updated 30 November 2020.
Guidance on death certification and cremation form clauses.
Published 31 March 2020.
Asymptomatic testing will be made available to all patient-facing NHS staff. Letter from Prof Stephen Powis, Pauline Philip and Ruth May.
Published 9 November 2020.
NHS organisations to support AHPs to use their professional judgement to assess risk and make sure people receive safe care, in partnership with patients.
Updated 7 December 2020.