Antiracism strategy
About the East of England antiracism strategy
The East of England antiracism strategy was written in response to the People Plan and People Promise by Harprit Hockley, Head of Equality and Inclusion in the NHS England (NHSE) East of England team and launched on 1 July 2021.
You can view the East of England antiracism strategy launch event here.
The strategy has been written with the following key partners:
- Regional NHSE East of England workforce and operational development (OD) team
- Representatives from a wide range of stakeholders across the six systems including:
- Staff involved in engagement sessions
- WRES Experts
- Staff Networks leads
- EDI leads
- Health and Wellbeing leads
- Freedom to Speak Up Guardians
- Chief Executive Officers
- Workforce Directors
- System Workforce leads
- NHS Employers
- Staff Partnership Forum
The East of England antiracism strategy shows how the region is moving towards a health and social care service for everyone – staff and patients.
If you work in the East of England region and would like to discuss any equality issues, share any lived experiences of equality issues or share any experiences about racism or race equality, please email the team here.
System leader antiracism pledges
A number of our system leaders have pledged their commitment to the NHSE East of England antiracism strategy. To view their pledges, please visit our Twitter feed here.
Experiences of racism
View our colleagues talking about why it is important to have a conversation about race in the workplace.
Get involved
Would you like to share your story about anything you or your team have done to make things better for staff that would help the strategy to succeed?
Would you like to share any examples of things your department, division or section is already doing? For example:
- Are you already doing something that is helping to make services fairer and you are getting good staff or patient feedback?
- Have you have tried something out to make services fairer, but it did not work or you stopped? We still want to hear from you
- Do you have any new ideas that you or your team have not tried out yet? We definitely want to hear from you!
To share any lived experiences of equality issues or share any stories about racism or race equality, please email the team here.