Evidence-based interventions programme
The Evidence-Based Interventions (EBI) Programme is a clinical initiative led by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) in partnership with NHS England, as well as NHS Clinical Commissioners and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.
The aim of the EBI Programme is to improve the quality of care being offered to patients by reducing unnecessary interventions and preventing avoidable harm. In addition, by only offering interventions on the NHS that are evidence-based and appropriate, the programme frees up resources that can be put to use elsewhere in the NHS. This is more important than ever to help support the NHS – and particularly elective care services – recover from the impact of COVID-19.
All up-to-date guidance, resources and programme developments can be found on the AoMRC website.
If you have any queries that cannot be answered by the information held on AoMRC’s website, please contact the team using the following email address: england.EBInterventions@nhs.net.