- Letter from Dr David Geddes: Early Access to Medicines Scheme (EAMS)
- Letter from Dr David Geddes to Heads of Primary Care: Avoiding Unplanned Admissions directed enhanced service practice results
- Letter from Dr David Geddes to all General Practitioners: For for Work
- NHS England (in conjunction with Monitor and TDA) has written to the system regarding resilience planning and wider preparation for winter 2015/16. This covers System Resilience Group (SRG) assurance, support available, development of mental health services, surge management, this years’ winter marketing campaign, and flu preparation
- Letter from Jane Cummings to CCG Accountable Officers: The Children and Families Act
- Letter from Tim Kelsey to Dr Sarah Woolaston MP: Daily Mail article
- Letter from Professor Hugo Mascie-Taylor, Dr Kathy Mclean and Professor Sir Bruce Keogh to CCG Clinical Leaders, CCG Accountable Officers, NHS England Regional Medical Directors, Monitor Regional Directors
and NHS TDA Directors of Delivery and Development: Establishing a baseline of the seven day services clinical standards in acute care - Letter from Sir Bruce Keogh to NHS Trusts and NHS Foundation Trusts for the National Clinical Audit and Patients Outcomes Programme Subscription Fees
- Letter from NHS England, Monitor and TDA to CCG Accountable Officers, CCG Clinical Leaders and Chief Executives of NHS Providers in relation to Changes to the Referral to Treatment (RTT) operational standards and reporting arrangements
(this document is no longer available here but can be found on the National Archives website)
- Letter from Sir Bruce Keogh to Simon Stevens regarding ‘Making waiting time standards work for patients’
- Letter from Jane Cummings to Simon Stevens and Ian Cumming regarding ‘Nursing Workforce Strategy for 15/16’
- Letter from Jane Cummings regarding safe staffing guidance – following the Chief Nursing Officer for England’s letter of 11 June 2015, an updated letter has been issued, setting out in more detail our next steps for delivering this important programme of work.
Appointment letters for Senior Responsible Owners (SROs)
Publication of these individual appointment letters signed by the SRO’s of GMPP programmes is a requirement of the cabinet office and supports our commitment to transparency.