NHS London Diabetic Eye Screening – get involved

Be part of planning the future of your services

As a user of the NHS Diabetic Eye Screening service, we invite you to become involved in helping us to develop the future service in London.

We are committed to improving the services we commission so that they continue to provide a positive user experience.

We value the views and experience of users and would very much welcome your involvement in helping us to achieve our vision for accessible and inclusive Diabetic Eye Screening in London.

What are we asking you to help us with?

This year, we will begin the process of re-procuring the NHS Diabetic Eye Screening (DES) services across London with the aim of improving the quality, accessibility and outcomes of the existing service for patients. Procurement is the process of inviting proposals – or ‘tenders’ – from providers, to identify organisations that can deliver the Diabetic Eye Screening service across London.

As a user of the NHS Diabetic Eye Screening (DES) service, we would like to ask you to be part of this process to help us to ensure the future service meets your needs.

The NHS Diabetic Eye Screening programme is a national programme and is delivered in line with the national specification and guidance.


You can choose to get involved in the following ways:


1.Fill in our short survey (approx. 4 minutes to complete)

Please provide feedback on your experience so far of diabetic eye screening. A summary of all responses will be put into a report that will be considered in the planning of the new service.  All responses will remain anonymous and will be treated in confidence. Click here to complete the survey.


2.Become a Patient & Public Voice Partner:

Please consider working with our team to develop the service requirements for London, and to help us review and identify which organisations will deliver the NHS service in London for the next 3-5 years.You will be asked to attend meetings (mostly online) and/or discussion to give your expert patient insight. The time commitment is expected to be around 5 days, spread across approximately 7 months in 2023-24.As a Patient and Public Voice Partner, you would be provided with guidance and support throughout your involvement. The roles are considered Level 4 patient and public partner which includes a sessional payment, with details available online. NHS England will cover all reasonable expenses, where appropriate. If you feel this is something you are interested in, or would like to know more, we would very much welcome the chance to speak to you personally. Please click here to email us expressing your interest, or to ask any questions, by Monday 17 April.

If we receive a large volume of responses, there may be a shortlisting process.

Thank you.



Who are we?
NHS England – London commissions the NHS Diabetic Eye Screening services in London. This means the planning, buying, and monitoring of the services to make sure they meet the needs of service users.