This is a directory of support offers for executive and non-executive board directors. These offers have been considered against a set of quality assurance criteria. The list is not exhaustive but is a compilation of support offers where there is sufficient information available – either via desktop research or through dialogue with providers – to include with confidence that they offer support commensurate with the level. In some cases, the offer is a network, in which case the aims, purpose and inclusivity of the network have been considered.
There is repetition in this list as some offers are applicable to more than one staff group.
Offers from within the NHS and from organisations supporting the NHS.
Board director support offers
Offers applicable to all board roles
Provider: NHS Leadership Academy
Programme title: Collaborate Well Podcast
Audience: Available to all board members
- Resources about and sharing learning on integrated care system development.
- Series of podcasts and webinars – topics include clinical leadership, complex needs, inequalities.
Link: Collaborate well – podcast playlist
Provider: Healthcare Financial Management Association
Programme title: Healthcare Financial Management
Audience: Available to all board members
- Healthcare Financial Management Association provides an assortment of resources and learning including bitesize sessions.
- Support for roles working in NHS finance at board level.
Link: Healthcare Financial Management Association
Provider: Independent network
Programme title: Disabled NHS Directors Network
Audience: Open to new directors who meet the criteria
- Designed for executives and non-executives providing mentoring and coaching support to strengthen collective impact and voice of disabled leaders’ network.
- Toolkit commissioned for recruitment and retention of disabled non-executive directors for boards.
Link: Disabled NHS Directors Network
Offers for CEOs and newly appointed CEOs
Provider: NHS Leadership Academy
Programme title: Explore and Rethink through the CEO lens
Audience: Newly appointed CEOs
Resources to support the first 100 days in role. Three modules:
- Transitioning into role
- Systems leadership
- Leading an effective executive team
Link: Create account and log in via Newly appointed CEO support – Leadership Academy
Provider: NHS Confederation
Programme title: First time Chief Executives programme
Audience: First time CEOs
- Peer support and development for first time CEOs.
- Bi-monthly meetings with national leaders from across the system
Link: First-Time Chief Executives Programme | NHS Confederation
Provider: NHS Leadership Academy
Programme title: Chief Executives Development Network
Audience: Open to new CEOs
- Three, two-day development days per annum – coming soon.
- Access to online resources.
- A dedicated transition coach who will meet you twice yearly, initially to welcome you into the network and then to help progress your personal learning agenda and shape Network events.
Link: Chief Executive Development Network – Leadership Academy
Information on joining by email to
Provider: NHS Leadership Academy
Programme title: Peer to Peer support
Audience: Open to new CEOs
- Support for new CEOs from existing, experienced CEOs
- Confidential and practical support, hosted by NHS England but confidential to the peer to peer relationship.
Link: Can register for support at Peer-to-peer Support: Expression of Interest – Leadership Academy
Provider: NHS Leadership Academy
Programme title: Transition Coaching
Audience: New CEO
Access and support to a dedicated transition coach, to welcome to the network and to help progress personal learning agenda and shape network events
Link: Register for a transition coach at
Provider: NHS Leadership Academy
Programme title: Collaborate Well Podcast
Audience: CEO
- Resources looking at and sharing learning about ICS development.
- Series of podcasts and webinars – topics include clinical leadership, complex needs, inequalities.
Link: Collaborate well – podcast playlist
Provider: NHS Leadership Academy
Programme title: Mentoring offer
Audience: Available to all CEOs
Experienced former NHS chairs and CEOs who offer mentoring services to current NHS chairs and CEOs
Link: Please contact
Provider: NHS Providers
Programme title: Network
Audience: Chairs and CEOs of NHS trusts and foundation trusts
One of 12 networks run by NHS Providers for members. The events are specifically designed to help members get the information, guidance and inspiration they need.
Link: Networks home page Member networks – NHS Providers
Offers for chairs and new in post chairs
Provider: NHS Providers
Programme title: Chairs Onboarding
Audience: New Chairs
Part of the NHS Providers board development suite of offers:
- One-day onboarding event
- Six-month induction programme
- Chair mentoring support network
Link: Chair Induction Programme (NHS Providers) Dates published on the website.
Provider: NHS Leadership Academy
Programme title: Chairs Development Network
Audience: Chairs
The Chair Development Network (CHADN) is designed to provide personalised, flexible and accessible learning. It offers the following core elements:
- Three two-day network meeting days per annum – coming soon
- Access to online resources
- Access to coaching and mentoring (if required).
First-time chairs are also offered a dedicated Transition Coach.
Link: Chair Development Network – Leadership Academy
Provider: NHS Leadership Academy
Programme title: Aspirant Chair
Audience: Current NEDs aspiring to a chair role
- A new programme for current non-executive directors planning to step into chair roles in the next 12-18 months.
- Aims to support a strong, diverse pipeline of candidates for chairs on NHS provider Boards.
Link: New Aspirant Chair Programme – NHS Senior Leadership Onboarding and Support
Provider: NHS Leadership Academy
Programme title: Collaborate Well Podcast
Audience: Available to all board roles including chairs
- Resources looking at and sharing learning about ICS development.
- Series of podcasts and webinars – topics include clinical leadership, complex needs, inequalities.
Link: Collaborate well – podcast playlist
Provider: NHS Leadership Academy
Programme title: Mentoring offer
Audience: Available to all chairs
Experienced former NHS chairs and CEOs who offer mentoring services to current NHS Chairs and CEOs.
Link: Please contact
Provider: Disabled NHS Directors Network
Programme title: Disabled NHS Directors Network
Audience: Available to all board roles including Chairs
- Designed for executives and non-executives providing mentoring and coaching support to strengthen collective impact and voice of disabled leader’s network.
- Toolkit commissioned for recruitment and retention of disabled NEDs for Boards.
Link: Disabled NHS Directors Network
Provider: Seacole Group
Programme title: Network for BAME NEDs and Chairs
Audience: Available to all BAME NEDs and chairs in the NHS
- Designed for aspiring/existing NEDs from Black, Asian, and other minority ethnic backgrounds.
- Associate membership is open to Non-Executive Directors from other backgrounds who are interested in learning about and supporting the objectives of the group
Link: Seacole Group | National Network for Black, Asian and Other ethnic NEDS and Chairs in the NHS
Offers for new directors of finance
Provider: One Finance (Future Focussed Finance])
Programme title: First Time Chief Finance Officers
Audience: Chief Finance Officer
- For first time CFOs in post
- Designed to support and provide new leaders in first year in post with the knowledge and skills required to become high-performing directors
Link: First time in post CFO programme
Offers for aspiring directors (from NHS England only)
Provider: NHS Leadership Academy
Programme title: Aspiring Director
Audience: Aspiring Director
• Nye Bevan programme for aspiring leaders who demonstrate readiness for the next steps.
• Open to Aspiring Board members from all clinical and non-clinical roles.
• Register interest via the link.
Link: Nye Bevan Programme
Provider: NHS Leadership Academy
Programme title: Aspiring Executive Director
Audience: Aspiring Executive Director
Programme for those demonstrating high potential and interest in executive director on NHS trust Board within the next 12–24 months.
Link: Executive Director Pathway
Offers for non-executive directors
Provider: NHS People and Culture Board level Development and Careers
Programme title: NExT Director programme
Audience: Aspiring Non-Executive Director
- 6-12 month programme giving insight into the role and responsibilities, bridge knowledge gaps, supporting better performance at future NED interviews.
- Scheme provides support to under-represented on trust boards with the skills and expertise to take the step into the NHS board room.
Link: NExT Programme
Provider: NHS Providers in partnership with NHS England
Programme title: Board Development Programme – Non-Executive Director Induction
Audience: Non-Executive Directors
- Face-to-face and virtual options.
- Essential one-day induction programme specifically for new NEDs of NHS trusts and foundation trusts.
- Developed to provide deeper understanding of board roles.
Link: Board development course dates – NHS Providers
Provider: NHS Providers
Programme title: Network for NEDs in NHS trusts and foundation trusts
Audience: Non-Executive Directors
- National networking events for NHS board members which meet several times a year.
- Specifically designed to help members get the information, guidance and inspiration they need.
Link: Member networks – NHS Providers
Provider: NHS Confederation
Programme title: Non-Executive Leaders networks
Audience: Non-Executive Directors
A range of networks for non-executive leaders from across different health sectors including Mental Health Chairs, Independent ICS Chairs and Community Chairs.
Link: Non-Executive Leaders Network | NHS Confederation. To join the network or find out more contact
Provider: NHS Leadership Academy
Programme title: Senior Leader Onboarding for Non-executive Directors
Audience: Non-Executive Directors
A range of resources for new and existing non-executive directors including:
- NED competencies and appraisal, values and behaviours support and further reading.
- Induction, development framework, governance and support offers.
- Designed as a support resource for newly appointed board members in the first year of the role.
- New NED and chair competencies and appraisals – NHS Senior Leadership Onboarding and Support
- Non-executive opportunities in the NHS » Support for current chairs and non-executives
- New Chairs and Non Executive Directors – NHS Senior Leadership Onboarding and Support
Provider: Seacole Group
Programme title: Network for BAME NEDs and Chairs
Audience: Available to all BAME NEDs and Chairs in the NHS health system
- Designed for aspiring/existing NEDs from Black, Asian and other minority ethnic backgrounds.
- Associate membership is open to non-executive directors from other backgrounds who are interested in learning about and supporting the objectives of the group.
Link: Seacole Group | National Network for Black, Asian and Other ethnic NEDS and Chairs in the NHS
Programmes and networks from other organisations
Also considered were offers from the following – either organisations aligned to healthcare, or offering executive education and support with connections to the public sector which are offered at no cost
Provider: The King’s Fund
Programme title: Strategic Clinical Leaders
Audience: Board level Clinical Leaders
- Designed for senior clinical and professional leaders (medical director, chief nursing officer, or similar level).
- Learning includes expert insight/challenge, reflection, critical knowledge, problem solving. Waiting list and taking bookings into 2025.
Link: SCL: Strategic Clinical Leaders | The King’s Fund
Provider: The King’s Fund
Programme title: Building Collaborative Leadership across health and care organisations
Audience: Senior leaders working in systems
- A programme enabling senior leaders to collaborate the newly integrated health and care landscape.
- Designed to give participants the opportunity to consider how to best lead ICSs.
Link: Building collaborative leadership across health and care organisations | The King’s Fund
Provider: The King’s Fund
Programme title: Release Your Potential: A Programme for New Leaders*
Audience: Those new to leadership. (May be useful for senior managers who aspire to board but have not undertaken leadership development specifically)
- For aspiring leaders across health, social care, voluntary, third sector and public health.
*Included as many senior managers tell us they have never undertaken formal leadership development.
Link: Release your potential | The King’s Fund
Provider: The King’s Fund
Programme title: Clinical Directors and Lead Clinicians
Audience: Existing clinical directors, lead clinicians, and those stepping into roles or considering them
Addresses the knowledge, skills and behaviours you need to lead both operationally and strategically as a clinical director or lead clinician.
Link: Clinical directors and lead clinicians | The King’s Fund
Provider: The King’s Fund
Programme title: Top Manager Programme
Audience: Senior people in health and social care, public, private and third sector for existing directors
Focus is on connecting with and creating shared purpose and developing the political and emotional intelligence needed when leading in senior roles in an increasingly demanding environment
Link: Top manager programme | The King’s Fund
Provider: The King’s Fund
Programme title: The Circles Programme: Leadership Development for Women
Audience: Women leaders of all levels
- Designed irrespective of role or experience to respond to leadership challenges facing women.
- Open to under-represented diverse groups.
Link: The Circles programme: leadership development for women | The King’s Fund
Provider: The King’s Fund
Programme title: The Circles Programme: Leadership Development for Women, Online Speakers Series
Audience: Women leaders of all levels
Online speaker series 2023-2024 for all women regardless of seniority or experience.
Link: Circles | The King’s Fund ( Speaker sessions are in addition to the above programme
Provider: Social Care Institute for Excellence
Title: Health and social care integration webinar
Audience: CEOs and Chairs
Series of webinars looking at ICS development, sharing good practice and learning.
Link: Webinars on integration with NHS England
Provider: The Civil Service College
Title: CEO and Deputy CEO programme
Audience: CEOs and Deputies
Short courses and programmes to develop skills, knowledge and networks for chief executive officers, deputy-CEOs and their equivalents in public service.
Link: CEO and deputy CEO-level development
Provider: The Local Government Association
Title: The IGNITE programme
Audience: New and existing CEOs
- The programme is supported by the LGA and delivered in partnership with Collaborate CIC.
- Aim is to build stronger relationships with peers that can support deeper collaboration across local government and in systems.
Link: IGNITE – a Solace leadership programme for chief executives | Local Government Association
Provider: Healthcare Financial Management Association
Title: Healthcare Financial Management
Audience: Existing board level leaders
- Offers to support financial skills for non-executive directors.
- Healthcare Financial Management Association provides an assortment of resources and learning.
- Support for roles working in NHS finance at Board level.
Link: Healthcare Financial Management Association
Provider: The Leadership Centre
Title: The Future Vision programme
Audience: Existing board level leaders
- Delivered in collaboration with the Leadership Centre and the Birmingham Leadership Institute.
- This programme offers development for senior leaders who recognise that what they already know and how they already lead is not sufficient to meet the nature of the challenges they are facing.