Framework for digital flexible pools for the deployment of sessional clinical capacity in primary care – commissioner call-off guidance

Version 3, July 2023.

1. About this guide

1.1 The purpose of this guide is to provide prospective commissioners with all the required information to call-off from the Framework for Digital Flexible Pools for the deployment of sessional clinical capacity in primary care. This document will provide information on the Framework; including which digital suppliers have been awarded a place on the Framework and will help commissioners understand the requirements of the call-off, helping them follow best practice when procuring a digital solution to support this deployment.

1.2 For any further information not referenced in this guide related to call-off or ongoing contract management please contact

2. Framework for digital flexible pools for the deployment of sessional clinical capacity in primary care

2.1 To support the delivery of the Primary care flexible staff pools NHS England has developed the ‘Framework for digital flexible pools for the deployment of sessional clinical capacity in primary care’. This Framework of approved digital suppliers offers further support to local systems in deploying their workforce. The use of digital solutions can improve the visibility of capacity and demand through the posting of shifts by practices/primary care networks (PCNs) and is intended to provide local systems and PCNs with a more easily available solution to deploy as they seek to match sessional capacity to need.

2.2 Call-off by a commissioner or by commissioners working together at system level, will streamline the deployment of the primary care workforce, creating flexibility which meets the needs of local areas. Practices will be able to post sessions available in their practice, with sessional or flexible clinicians able to easily indicate their availability and select shifts that suit them via each digital solution.

2.3 The initial focus for digital flexible pools is on the deployment of sessional and flexible working GPs, however commissioners and local systems may consider using these products to support the deployment of other primary care roles such as clinical pharmacists, practice nurses and roles covered by the PCN additional roles reimbursement scheme.

2.4 Digital flexible pools should also significantly reduce administrative requirements for both sessional clinicians and practices, and support implementation of pooled arrangements. Local systems, working closely with their practices, will be responsible for selecting the digital supplier they wish to call off the framework.

2.5 Expected benefits of using digital suppliers include:

  • Increased integrated care board (ICB) confidence in the management of increased primary care demand
  • Improved service to manage demand in the system
  • Improved health and wellbeing of staff and increasing resilience of general practice
  • Increased public confidence and enhanced health and wellbeing of patients resulting from sustainability of services and improved access

3. Digital suppliers

3.1 Eight digital suppliers have attained a place on the framework. This includes:

  • ID Medical
  • Lantum Ltd (Lantum)
  • My Locum Manager (trading as MLM Flex)
  • NHS Midlands and Lancashire CSU (Find me a Locum)
  • One Wirral CIC (StaffBox Rota)
  • Pairoo Ltd (Pairoo)
  • Patchwork (trading as Patchwork Health)
  • Practeus Ltd (trading as National Association of Sessional GPs) also known as LocumDeck

3.2 Digital suppliers have been assessed by NHS England nationally, based on national criteria. Commissioners will need to factor this range of national quality scores and to assess digital suppliers against the local call-off criteria referenced in the section of this document on Call-off level evaluation. This set of national scores is available on request by emailing 

3.3 All digital suppliers have provided a statement on their digital solution, which has been checked and approved by NHS England, these can be found in Annex 1.

4. Call-off level evaluation (direct award)

4.1 Digital suppliers have been assessed by NHS England nationally, based on national criteria. Commissioners will need to assess digital suppliers against these criteria and a set of local call-off criteria, referenced in the document on ‘Call-off evaluation criteria’.

4.2 The highest scoring digital supplier will be determined through 14 questions. There are three questions which commissioners will need to assess at a local level:

  • Question 1: Understanding the specific needs of the local commissioner.
  • Question 2: Seamless provision of services.
  • Question 3: Payment to use digital solution in the local area (scenario based).

4.3 There are a further 11 questions which have been assessed at a national level. Commissioners are not able to change the overall scores which digital suppliers have been awarded unless undertaking their own mini procurement but are able to flex the weighting of each question by +/- 2.5%, so long as the total weighting of all 14 questions, both local and national, sums to exactly 100%.  See Annex 2.

4.4 Commissioners will need the following documents to complete call-off, which are available on request by emailing

  • Call-off evaluation criteria (Call-off Tool): This document provides the evaluation criteria for call-off. Commissioners should use this document for direct award to determine the digital supplier which has scored highest in their local area. This is provided as an interactive tool that allows Commissioners to flex the national weightings as appropriate and arrive at a local set of scores (and rankings) for each of the digital suppliers.
  • Service specification: This document is the specification which digital suppliers bid against to be awarded a place on the framework.
  • Call-off terms and conditions: Digital suppliers have all accepted these terms as part of gaining a place on the Framework so Commissioners should refuse any suggested amendments by digital suppliers.
  • Statement of requirements: The commissioner completes this document so that the digital suppliers can provide a response based on the commissioner requirements.
  • Order form: This becomes the contract, once signed by the commissioner and digital supplier.

5. How to Buy: a step-by-step guide

5.1 Determine which procedure is most appropriate

  • A Commissioner has two options when calling-off from the Framework, they may choose to invite responses to all questions or just those not already responded. These two approaches are further detailed below:
    1. Local call-off; Using the scores already allocated to the digital supplier at Framework level and reviewing local responses only. Supported by the call-off tool and simplified call-off approach.
    2. Mini-Competition Procurement; Inviting responses from the digital suppliers for all questions including framework level and local.
  • Irrespective of the approach the commissioner takes to call-off from the framework, the following points will need to be considered.

5.2 Understand your requirements

  • Make sure to have the advice of your local clinicians and practices who will use the service, buying specialists and technical experts in order to understand ‘must-haves’, ‘wants’ and critical success factors.
  • Consider the budget available (including from the flexible pools funding).
  • Consider the technical and procurement requirements of the project.
  • Consider the criteria on which your choice will be based (based on the Framework criteria).

5.3 Request and review all of the relevant documentation

5.4 Keep an audit trail

  • If you award a contract through this framework, it is important to be able to show that the approach and decisions were fair and transparent.
  • An audit trail provides a record of the approach used when buying services on the Framework. This audit trail will need to be documented throughout.
  • Keep a record of communications with suppliers, including any early market engagement, clarification questions, emails and face to face conversations.

5.5 Contract length

  • Call-offs made subsequent to the establishment of this Framework may be contracted for any term that suits local need, so long as it does not extend beyond the life of the framework itself by more than 12 months.
  • The framework agreement commenced on 1 November 2022 until 31 October 2024. Commissioners can therefore contract a digital supplier until 31 October 2025.

5.6 Report the outcome

  • When awarding any contract under this framework, a commissioner must inform NHS England of the outcome. This information is collected for contract management purposes and to help them improve the framework for commissioners and digital suppliers. More detail on the reporting requirements for commissioners is found in Annex 2.
  • A copy of the order form should be sent to within two weeks of signature.

5.7 Act transparently and equitably

  • A commissioner is responsible for determining how to run the procurement process. If deemed necessary, you should seek commercial or legal advice before you start
  • Commissioners must comply with the principles in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015:
    • ensure no digital supplier is given a competitive advantage
    • treat all digital suppliers equally
    • be transparent about what the needs and the process being followed
    • ensure any requests for information you make are proportionate to your needs
    • share any relevant information from early market engagement in requirements.
  • Commissioners must not:
    • discriminate against any digital supplier, for example, by writing requirements in a way that unfairly excludes a particular digital supplier
    • share information about requirements with one digital supplier without sharing with all other digital suppliers on the Framework, for example, tell one provider your budget if you are not going to make other digital suppliers aware of your budge
    • share a digital supplier’s confidential information.

5.8 For Commissioners using Local Call-Off

5.8.1 Summary

  • Commissioners can use the call-off tool for a simplified approach to their procurement. 11 of the 14 questions have already been scored as part of the national procurement. Commissioners can score 2 local questions, the third question is the price, which is calculated automatically based on local commissioner requirements using the call-off tool.
  • Local call-off will take approximately four weeks. A timeline is available in Annex 3.

5.8.2 Complete a statement of requirements

  • The commissioner must complete a statement of requirements form and submit this to
  • SCW CSU on behalf of NHS England will then share the statement of requirements with each of the suppliers on the framework, inviting them to respond to questions 4 and 5 of the framework questions (see Annex 2)
  • The suppliers have 10 working days to respond and these are shared back with the commissioner in accordance with the timeline.

5.8.3 Amend or refine the Call-off terms and conditions

  • Only minor changes are permitted to the call-off terms and conditions. If significant changes are required, then a mini competition is required.

5.8.4 Review and amend the Call-Off tool

  • The commissioner is able to reduce or increase the weighting of individual questions but only to the extent permitted within the call-off tool.
  • Once the suppliers responses have been received, the commissioner will score these as indicated within the tool.
  • The price of the flexible pool depends on contract length, contract type and number of GP Practices. The call-off tool will calculate this automatically based on commissioner requirements.
  • The call off tool will calculate the nationally predetermined scores, along with the local scores to provide one overall score for each supplier.
  • Instructions for use are contained within the call-off tool. This is available to commissioners on request from

5.8.5 Contract award

  • Award the contract to the highest scoring digital supplier.
  • If the digital supplier who ranked highest is unable to fulfil the order, then the commissioner can award to the next highest and so on.
  • There is no obligation to award a contract, a commissioner is entitled to decline to make an award.
  • The commissioner places an order with the digital supplier by serving an order form.
    • The supplier should sign and return this to commissioner.
    • If the supplier seeks to modify or impose conditions, the commissioner may consider and reissue the order form or treat it as a suppliers inability to fulfil the order.
    • Once the supplier has signed, the formation of a contract is made once the commissioner then counter signs the order form.

5.8.6 Notification

5.9 For Commissioners using mini competition

5.9.1 Summary

  • Mini Competition is available as an alternative to using the call-off tool. Enabling commissioners to invite responses to each of the 14 questions outlined in Annex 2.

5.9.2 Develop a statement of requirements

  • Using the Framework and core requirements defined within the Framework Specification, you may wish to add, remove or amend specific individual requirements to reflect local need. Note that local amendments should be limited in nature and cannot alter the overall nature of the flexible pool.

 5.9.3 Amend or refine the Call-off terms and conditions

  • Using the provided Call-off Terms as a basis, you may wish to add, remove or amend specific individual terms, conditions or schedules to meet your local needs.  Note that local amendments should be limited in nature and cannot alter the overall nature of the contract that has been signed-up to by the digital supplier already.

5.9.4 Review and amend the Call-Off Evaluation Criteria

  • Following consideration of your specific local requirements and having taken into account clear, objective and locally relevant considerations, a commissioner is able to reduce or increase the weighting of individual Call-Off evaluation criteria but only to the extent permitted in the provided evaluation tool and provided always that the total of all criteria used is 100%.

5.9.5 Invite tenders

  • A Commissioner must:
    • invite all Framework digital suppliers to submit a tender in writing for each proposed Contract to be awarded by giving written notice by email or through an e-tendering portal to the relevant representative of each Framework digital supplier,
    • set a time limit (no less than 10 calendar days) for the receipt of the tenders which considers factors such as the complexity of the subject matter of the proposed Contract and the time needed to submit tenders; and
    • keep each tender confidential until the time limit set out for the return of tenders has expired,
    • apply the Call-Off evaluation criteria to the Framework digital suppliers’ compliant tenders submitted through the Mini-Competition Procedure as the basis of the decision to award a Contract,
    • award the Contract to the successful Framework digital supplier.

5.9.6 Contract award

  • Award the contract to the highest scoring digital supplier
  • If the framework digital supplier who ranked highest is unable to fulfil the order, then the commissioner can award to the next highest and so on.
  • There is no obligation to award a contract, a commissioner is entitled to decline to make an award.
  • The commissioner places an order with the digital supplier by serving an order form.
    • The supplier should sign and return this prior to commissioner sign off.
    • If the supplier seeks to modify or impose conditions, the commissioner may consider and reissue the order form or treat it as a suppliers inability to fulfil the order.
    • Once the supplier has signed, the formation of a contract is made once the commissioner then counter signs the order form.

5.9.7 Feedback to digital suppliers

As a formal procurement, there is a requirement to appropriately feedback to unsuccessful digital supplier after a Mini Competition procedure.

5.9.8 Notification

6. Frequently asked questions

6.1 Background

6.1.1 What is this framework?

  • The Framework contains a list of eight digital suppliers with a digital solution that can facilitate the deployment of sessional clinical capacity in primary care.
  • It is an optional enabler to the Primary Care Staff Flexible Pools Initiative, which will offer further support to local systems in deploying their workforce. The use of digital solutions can improve the visibility of capacity and demand through the posting of shifts by practices/PCNs and is intended to provide local systems, ICBs and PCNs with a more easily available solution to deploy as they seek to match sessional capacity to need.

6.1.2 Who is this framework for?

  • This Framework is intended to support Commissioners in implementing flexible pools.
  • All local areas should have full coverage of the flexible pools and this framework is a key enabler in supporting this goal.
  • Local areas are encouraged to read the Framework guidance alongside the scheme guidance document.

6.1.3 Is there any funding local areas can access for this framework?

  • The use of this Framework is optional.
  • In 2022/23 each system had access to £120k, to support the implementation and uptake of flexible pools. ICBs may consider using this funding for calling off digital solutions on this Framework.
  • Please refer to the Primary Care Flexible Staff Pools Guidance in 2022/2023 and the Primary care system development funding in 2022/23 for further information.
  • Funding intentions for 2023/24 have been outlined to ICBs, although formal confirmation will be published in due course in the 2023/24 Primary Care system development funding guidance.

6.1.4 How has NHS England undertaken the process of developing the Framework?

  • NHS England have undertaken a national procurement process to establish the Framework. Digital suppliers were invited to bid for a position through an open competitive process. A service specification was developed, which all digital suppliers were scored against and the highest scoring eight suppliers have been included in this Framework.

6.1.5 Why has NHS England developed the framework?

  • This framework is intended to provide a list of suppliers with a digital solution, which local areas can have confidence in accessing to support the deployment of sessional clinical capacity in primary care.
  • NHS England have conducted a robust procurement process to ensure the suppliers on the Framework and their solution are of high quality.

6.2 Call-off process

6.2.1 What are the responsibilities of local areas, including Integrated Care Boards (ICBs)?

  • ICBs will want to engage with primary care networks and practices other individuals who will use the digital solutions prior to call-off from the Framework. It is recommended that local areas seek commercial or legal advice before they start to call off the framework. Local areas will need to decide whether to direct award or conduct a mini competition. Further information can be found in the how to buy guide in this document.

6.2.3 Can Commissioners use this Framework for some but not all of the practices within the local area?

  • Yes, local areas will need to consider their requirements, including the number of practices/primary care networks they intend the digital solution to cover as part of the call-off process.
  • It is recognised that an ICB may hold multiple contracts on based on local geography/place.
  • Copies of the specification and contracts are available by request by contacting

6.2.4 How do Commissioners understand the commercial terms and conditions the digital supplier has?

  • The specification, attached in this document, is that which the digital suppliers agreed to when being awarded their place on the Framework. Digital suppliers are not able to change the terms and conditions which either a practice or sessional clinician has signed up to without approval from NHS England.
  • The call off contracts have been approved by NHS England legal team for use in relation to this framework.

6.2.5 Can Commissioners call off the framework for some not all of the framework period, is this possible?

  • Call-offs made subsequent to the establishment of this framework may be contracted for any term that suits a commissioners need, so long as it does not extend beyond the life of the Framework itself by more than 12 months.

6.2.5 How will I access reporting information from the digital supplier?

  • Digital suppliers on the framework agreed to provide reporting information outlined in the service specification on a monthly basis as a minimum. The process of receiving this data from digital suppliers will be locally defined.

6.2.6 What happens when the framework expires?

  • Call-offs made subsequent to the establishment of this Framework may be contracted for any term that suits a system’s local need, so long as it does not extend beyond the life of the Framework itself by more than 12 months.
  • The Framework agreement commenced on 1 November 2022 until 31 October 2024. Commissioners can therefore contract a digital supplier until 31 October 2025.

6.2.7 What are the timescales for a digital supplier to be set up and implemented across a local area?

  • The timescales for a digital solution to be implemented across a local area will depend on several factors including the size of the footprint and the digital supplier/product selected. Local areas will need to agree with the digital supplier an appropriate timescale as part of the call-off process.

6.2.8 The local area already has a contract with a digital supplier, can we still utilise this framework?

  • Yes, this will be left to local determination. Commissioners are advised to check the terms of their current contract and discuss this with their digital supplier if they would like to explore this option.

6.2.9 How long does it take to call-off via the framework?

  • It will take approximately four weeks to call-off via the framework.

6.3 Support

6.3 Where can Commissioners access support, both during call-off and for the duration of the Framework?

  • Commissioners are encouraged to seek commercial or legal advice when calling off this framework. Local areas are responsible for agreeing and managing the contract they have with a digital supplier called off this framework. They are encouraged to seek commercial and/or legal advice if they encounter issues once they have called off this framework.
  • After taking commercial and/or legal advice if you still have a query or have an issue which is cause for further concern, NHS England have a team who manage escalations in contract management available by emailing

7. Annex 1: Digital supplier statement

Name: ID Medical
  • ID Medical are able to establish new flexible worker pools or transform existing ones, their workforce solutions have been specifically developed to attract, engage, retain and manage all types of workers across all primary care systems.
  • Working with the NHS for over 20 years, ID Medical have over 600 staff dedicated purely to servicing UK healthcare organisations. Receiving more than 3 million requirements per annum, working with a pool of more than 120,000 healthcare professionals who provide more than 10 million hours of patient care per year.
  • Much more than just “an app” ID Medical offer complete workforce solutions that achieve better outcomes by bringing together best in class technology with specialist human expertise.
  • A single unified system that combines roster, flexi-pools and agency, capable of managing national, regional and local primary care collaboratives to deliver the right people, with the right skills, in the right place at the right cost.
  • Their professional services team work to analyse and design a tailored solution that meets strategic and operational objectives and then rapidly deploy services to agreed KPI’s and SLA.
  • Benefits of utilising ID Medical solutions include:
    • 12-33% savings achieved through cost reduction, cost avoidance and service productivity improvements.
    • Creates a single marketplace utilising your substantive, flexi-pool and agency workers in one place, ranking submissions by best fit and best value.
    • Accelerates onboarding and improved time to hire through streamlined processes.
    • Increases pool size and more importantly – pool utilisation to increase fill rates.
    • Improves staff moral and retention through better engagement.
    • Managers can access every part of the software via mobile anytime, anywhere.
    • Huge reduction in time spent by staff involved in managing workforce.
    • Worker passporting with stringent compliancy checks and management to mitigate clinical risk.
    • Daily, Weekly or Monthly pay, e-timesheets, expenses, consolidated invoices and self-billing.
    • Intuitive software that requires limited training.
    • Interoperability offering real time integration with existing up and downstream systems.
    • Extensive BI & MI reporting suite improving workforce planning through better data & better decisions.
    • Defence grade security.
Name: Lantum Ltd (Lantum)
  • Lantum is a software platform for Primary Care workforce management. 20 Integrated Care Boards, 300+ PCNs, 50+ UTCs and 350 extended access hubs use Lantum to build and manage multidisciplinary staff pools. Lantum enables these clients not only to fully staff their services but for new services to be set up and staffed rapidly by providing access to local ready-to-work clinicians.
  • Lantum’s product “Connected Scheduling” is a ‘one stop shop’, providing an e-rostering platform that connects seamlessly to digital locum banks. Staff are fully vetted, with a digital passport that enables them to work across the system, Lantum can make clinicians lives easier with next day payments and automated billing and pension form administration. During times of capacity shortage, Systems can also tap into Lantum’s expansive network of over 30,000 vetted primary care clinicians for last minute gaps.
  • Multiple sites can be set up and managed in one place, enabling centralised rostering and deployment of shared employees, such as ARRS staff ANPs, or admin staff.
  • Significantly boost the size of workforce pool, not only can practices join together as a System and share staff between them, but Systems also benefit from a focused supply building strategy and expert clinician recruitment and engagement team who consistently succeed in building large banks.
  • Lantum offers extensive staff passporting and certified compliance checks as well as supporting locums by providing them with free-of-charge DBS checks.
  • Automated administration saves time for busy practice managers, such as autopoulation and e-signatures of NHS pension forms, automated timesheets, and all invoices consolidated into one monthly bill.
  • Central oversight with Lantum’s comprehensive and customizable reporting tool. Providing a powerful snapshot of available capacity and demand across the System, while also enabling practice or individual clinician level information to be viewed. Ability to customise reporting to meet local need.
  • Some additional features that Lantum offer include:
    • Lantum’s modern mobile app allows staff to find and book shifts, manage their schedules and availability, manage their administration and hold their passport documentation in one place.
    • Rocketpay, Lantum’s unique expedited payment service means locums can be paid the next day at no cost to them, while providers only have to pay monthly.
    • Free CPD-accredited webinars, hosted by Lantum and led by medical experts support locums to gain access to continued development.
Name: My Locum Manager (Agilo Flex)
  • Part of the Agilio Software Group (Clarity Doctors, NICE CKS, TeamNet, iLearn)
  • My Locum Manager uniquely benefits from Agilio’s 20 years’ experience of system-wide solution rollouts, with dedicated highly experienced teams to support implementation and on-going engagement success.
  • Agilio’s experience includes providing 85% of GPs across England with Clarity appraisals, and 67% of practices trust TeamNet for their workforce management and day-to-day operations management.
  • MLM is an award-winning digital flexible pools solution, with over three million patients seen annually by the MLM GP community.
  • Already selected as the flexible pools platform of choice based on:
    • unique approach to creating a sustainable GP workforce
    • ability to accommodate all staff types
    •  interoperability capability, including EMIS Web (build and fill rotas from EMIS) and TeamNet (for a complete workforce management solution)
    • extensive existing locum membership
    • significant experience in system-wide rollouts
    • Significant utilisation track record across ICBs
  • MLM’s secure, intuitive interface allows practices to easily fill sessions with an engaged workforce.
  • Real-time access for all staff types
    • MLM provides access to live staff availability to fill shifts instantly, accommodating all healthcare professionals.
    • This means permanent GPs, nurses and ARRS roles can be rostered alongside self-employed locums – enabling practice managers to source, book and rota all staff from one place, across the workforce.
  • Boost capacity with our existing locum membership across every ICS.
    • MLM has an extensive, engaged locum community across every ICS, using the system to source work as well as access the financial tools and support available to them.
    • When deployed across an ICS, the existing MLM community can be leveraged to support practices at pace, accelerating adoption and engagement. MLM has enabled thousands of shifts to be filled each month.
  • EMIS Web and TeamNet integration
    • Through integrations, MLM can provide something unique to users of those systems. Integrations provide faster access to clinicians, and wider workforce information, including rostering from one place, ARRS staff passporting, mandatory training records and HR credentials. A single platform with one login accelerates adoption and utilisation across practices and PCNs.
  • Promotes retention, long-term sustainability and better outcomes
    • The MLM model facilitates relationship-building between clinicians and local practices, improving continuity in patient care and encourages repeat shift-booking.
    • For Locum members MLM also provides self-employed support tools including pensions, CPD, career development initiatives, wellbeing support aiding long-term retention.
  • Part of the Agilio Software Group (Clarity Doctors, NICE CKS, TeamNet, iLearn)
    • My Locum Manager uniquely benefits from Agilio’s 20 years’ experience of system-wide solution rollouts, with dedicated highly experienced teams to support implementation and on-going engagement success.
    • Agilio’s experience includes providing 85% of GPs across England with Clarity appraisals, and 67% of practices trust TeamNet for their workforce management and day-to-day operations management.
Name: NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit [MLCSU] (Find me a Locum)
  • Of the NHS, for the NHS – Midlands & Lancashire CSU has a wealth of experience in helping a diverse range of healthcare commissioners and providers, including GP practices, to focus on their responsibilities and excel at them.
  • Find me a Locum is a digital service that enables practices to cost-effectively advertise their Locum vacancies and for Locums looking for more flexibility to find and apply for them.
  • Find me a Locum provides users with a high quality, end-to-end Locum recruitment experience with no hidden charges or add on costs.
  • Find me a Locum has been co-developed with partner GP federations – people at the sharp end of general practice. This has kept costs low, delivering great value. Tried and tested, it is already helping practices to find locums quickly and securely; enabling practices to make significant savings on agency fees.
  • Access to Find me a Locum is through a straightforward annual subscription per practice. It delivers a return on investment for the price of just four locum agency fees.
  • Find me a Locum provides fast, efficient and high quality ‘matching’ between practice vacancies and locums. It facilitates payments by providing tools to practices and locums to manage the invoicing process, end-to-end. Practices retain full control and benefit from support of a dedicated account manager and service desk.
  • Supports GP practices to better manage their capacity pressures by enabling them to:
    • Retain full control whilst enjoying dedicated support
    • Reduce their reliance on recruitment agencies
    • Take the hassle out of filling Locum sessions
    • Find accredited Locums in minutes not hours
    • Advertise a variety of sessions (including by type e.g. Covid-19)
    • Ensure pre-employment checks are conducted by HR professionals
    • Receive a full audit trail in line with CQC guidance
    • Manage payment processes directly with Locums
  • For Locums: Increase their opportunities to work flexibly
    • Register their profile quickly and easily online
    • Shortlist sessions by Locum Chamber
    • Apply for new opportunities at the click of a button
    • Receive urgent vacancy alerts straight to their phone
    • Access a built-in personal planner to help schedule work
    • Produce and send invoices for work completed
    • Create their own regular ‘chamber’ of GP practices
  • Other benefits for practices include:
    • Quick and easy digital advertising of slots to a wide audience
    • Assurance that locums are employment checked to NHS HR standards (with evidence for the Care Quality Commission [CQC])
    • Regular automated validation of locums against national performers list and GMC register
    • Training and awareness-raising to secure clinical and managerial uptake
    • Regular system updates and enhancements.
    • Our breadth of expert knowledge and partners enhance our offer. We work with other CSUs to provide England-wide coverage, giving us resilience and capacity for multiple simultaneous implementations. Our cloud-hosting partner, Microsoft Azure, provides a flexible, resilient, and stable platform. 
Name: One Wirral CIC (StaffBox Rota)
  • Created by social enterprise, One Wirral CIC, StaffBox is a sustainable and transformative platform.
  • One Wirral CIC invest surplus into community projects, and provide transparency and flexibility, at a consistently low price.
  • Staffbox Rota was designed in partnership with local GP practices and colleagues to ensure the functionality and interface is exactly what practices need.
  • StaffBox Rota offers a clean, low-burden solution that simplifies and automates repetitive resourcing processes, in a format that is intuitive to use. The built-in regulatory and financial audit trails, combined with compliant reporting, gives commissioners assurance of service safety, in only a few clicks.
  • Staffbox Rota was created by NHS experts for NHS experts, it offers the General Practice workforce the opportunity to work when they want, where they enjoy and however long they can.
  • Staffbox Rota enables collaboration and cohesive working across services by:
    • Instantly advertising shifts
    • Automating finance and centralising management functions
    • Minimising management and admin burdens for teams
    • Providing built-in CQC compliance with SOP attachment area
    • Covers all roles with the ability to personalise additional roles
    • Easy to use app version for the User with enhanced security via face and touch recognition
    • Set up to suit each organisation with closed or open pools to grow the staffing network
    • Full profile view of individual document uploads to ensure due diligence
    • Ethical, flexible working pool solution keeping finances within the NHS and control within services
    • Suitable for all programmes within primary care and has the agility to react to the future
  • StaffBox is a 5-tier platform that can act as either a standalone program to suit your needs or combine to create a cross-platform solution that ensures full compliance in Primary Care – all in one ethical box!
    • Rota – flexible working pools platform
    • HR – intuitive people and process platform
    • Learn – CPD accredited, time saving and innovative learning platform
    • Governance – automated CQC compliance platform
    • Connect – multiagency, multi-disciplinary CRM platform
Name: Pairoo Ltd (Pairoo)
Contact: 8956 2111
  • Pairoo is a smart cloud-based platform that provides hassle-free workforce management and staffing, freeing up time and relieving operational pressures, allowing users to focus on delivering front-line services and patient care.
  • Pairoo is trusted by some of the largest NHS healthcare organisations in the UK and delivers them the following benefits:
    • Seamless Onboarding: quick and easy setup, across multiple sites, with full training and ongoing support provided as standard.
    • Automation: cross-platform, user-friendly, end-to-end solution which automates many mundane tasks, such as sending out shifts, timesheets, consolidated billing etc, allowing banks to be scaled easily and efficiently.
    • Full Compliance: secure platform to view pre-approved compliance documents, all in one place and safe in the knowledge that only fully compliant candidates can book shifts.
    • Improved Fill Rate: access to over 3,000 additional pre-vetted clinicians who use Pairoo and, at the click of a button, can help to fill any shifts that remain unfilled.
    • Reliability and Customer Service: Pairoo have a 100% record of 5-star reviews on Trustpilot and 100,000+ hours of booked sessions via the platform. Testament to the great customer service Pairoo always strive to provide.
    • Reporting: customised reporting and analytics, allowing users to easily track KPIs and monitor progress.
  • Pairoo was born with the aim to streamline, simplify and modernise inefficient and outdated staffing processes.
Name: Patchwork (Patchwork Health)
  • Patchwork Health supports its partners to create flexible workforce pools to reduce the reliance on premium rate agencies.
  • Practices can broadcast vacant sessions to a pool of compliant ‘bank’ workers to ensure safe staffing levels. Clinicians, such as GPs and clinical pharmacists, can seamlessly join the ‘bank’ and pick-up additional shifts at their convenience. Using innovative passporting technology, practices can collaborate to create a flexible workforce pool across a PCN or GP federation to deploy staff where there is the greatest clinical need.
  • Service features:
    • Worker mobile app, web app and employers’ hub web application
    • Internal and collaborative banks for all temporary staff
    • Digital staff passporting – seamless onboarding, document upload/management
    • Applicant tracking system, including COVID risk-status
    • Advanced shift filtering and instant booking for approved clinicians
    • Integrated timesheeting process with instant pay option and payroll interface
    • Automated and configurable advanced rate escalation tool
    • Automated EWTD compliance checks and inclusion of mandatory breaks
    • Full interoperability with ESR, rostering, VMS/DE and payroll
    • Manage budgets and targets through integrated, market-leading data analytics platform
  • Service benefits:
    • Reduce reliance on agencies and establish greater financial control
    • Unlock substantial savings and reduce internal competition
    • Alleviate administrative burden for managers and clinicians
    • Drive bank fill-rate and grow the size of staff banks
    • Build workforce resilience through access to a wide, multispeciality pool
    • Key insights to support decision-making and improvement
    • Maximise clinician engagement through streamlined onboarding and delightful user experience
    • Account management focused on recruitment, retention and outcomes achievement
  • Improve compliance, patient safety and care quality
  • Streamlined and digitised payment and timesheeting process
Name: Practeus Ltd (National Association of Sessional GPs/LocumDeck)
  • To date, over 7,000 GPs and 2,700 practices have signed up to NASGP resulting in over 200,000 sessions booked directly using the platform LocumDeck, and avoiding agency fees.
  • Now with multiple AHP functionality available.
  • Run by locums, for locums.
  • Benefits to GP practices:
    • Register for free.
    • Pay the locum’s fee – nothing more.
    • Browse and book locums instantly.
    • Fill vacancies with the right GP.
    • Save time on invoicing and pensions.
    • Book in-person and remote GP locums.
  • GP locums and locum nurses can:
    • Advertise bookable availability.
    • Book directly with practices.
    • Save time on invoicing and pensions.
    • Work in-person or remotely.
  • Six integrated care boards (ICBS) have committed to fully-fund NASGP membership costs to all sessional GPs working within their footprint.
  • Our partnerships include setting up local ‘Chambers’ in the ICBs: groups of GPs who share peer support, clinical leadership and a business manager.
  • Through these partnerships, areas have been able to achieve 100% sign-up of local practices within four months.

8. Annex 2: Framework questions/Call off award criteria

Commissioners must return this Annex to NHS England when calling-off the framework. All information should be sent to within 2 weeks of call-off.

9. Annex 3: Timeline

Week 1:

  • Commissioner to complete statement of requirements form and submit to
  • National team will submit to all suppliers within 3 working days.
  • Suppliers will be given 10 working days to respond to national team.

Week 2-3:

  • Suppliers respond to by deadline date.
  • National team will collate responses and share with Commissioner within 3 working days of the deadline date.

Week 4:

  • Commissioners to review the responses and score Q4 and Q5 as directed in the call off tool.

Week 5:

  • Progress to contract award.