Summary of published key guidance for health, emergency preparedness, resilience and response (EPRR)

Version number: 4.0
First published: March 2015
Updated: May 2023

This material should be read in conjunction with the NHS England Emergency Preparedness Framework. All material forming the guidance is web-based and prepared to be used primarily in that format. The web-based versions of the guidance including underpinning materials have links to complementary material from other organisations and to examples of the practice of and approach to emergency planning in the NHS in England.


For the attention of all NHS emergency preparedness, resilience and response (EPRR) personnel.

The following give an overview of the key EPRR guidance documents currently published and those in development or under review. These lists are not exhaustive.

For general queries, or to suggest amendments please get in touch with the NHS England (National) EPRR Team at

Guidance and framework

Incident response

Business continuity

Surge and escalation

Evacuation and sheltering


Pandemic and influenza

* Subject to change to align with legislative and commissioning changes 

Mass casualty and major incidents


Reference materials

Updates since previous version

AmendmentDateMade by:

Management of surge and escalation in critical care services: standard operating procedure for Adult and Paediatric Burn Care Services in England and Wales

August 2015

NHS England EPRR

Updated list of documents included, based on Framework and Guidance Review Process. Updated links.

November 2015

NHS England EPRR

Updated all links and document titles

December 2017

NHS England EPRR

Links updated
PGD’s summarised
Exercising Added

March 2019

NHS England EPRR

Updated links and document titles

July 2022

NHS England EPRR

Updated links and document titles

May 2023

NHS England EPRR