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NHS England — Midlands
Prioritisation of system and employer-led actions
Below are the prioritises of system and employer-led actions. These support national led actions for the next 3 to 6 months.
Our people are safe and supported to be physically and mentally healthy and well
Employer/system action by end March 21
Ongoing risk assessments
COVID-19 (and flu) vaccination
Access to psychological and physical support
Encourage health and wellbeing conversations
Supporting national actions
Maintain national HWB offer
Mental health hubs
Enhanced OH&WB offer
Extend support to HWB Guardians and line managers
Employer/system actions by end June 21
Embed health and wellbeing conversations (including training and support to line managers and a means of tracking delivery)
We are open and inclusive, and staff have a voice
Employer/system actions by end March 21
Staff networks prominent in contributing to and informing decision-making processes (e.g. on COVID-19 vaccination and health and wellbeing of staff at greatest risk)
Supporting national actions
EDI Inside – resources and support to priority actions
Senior systems leader support offer and increase in digitally delivered training
Employer/system actions by end June 21
Delivering against Model Employer goals
Eliminating the ethnicity gap in formal disciplinary processes
Overhaul of recruitment practices
Making the most of the skills in our teams
Employer/system actions by end March 21
Safe deployment and CPD investment to support critical care capability and COVID-19 vaccination programme
Supporting national actions
COVID-19 vaccination programme
National support for safe deployment in critical care (and other settings under particular pressure) Employer/system actions by end June 21
Digital and remote working plans including technology-enhanced learning
Recruiting and retaining our people
Employer/system actions by end March 21
Develop workforce sharing agreements locally to enable rapid deployment of our people across localities
Develop system-level models of recruitment and retention
Supporting national actions
Workforce planning
Digital passports
Growing the numbers of clinical support workers
Retention initiatives focused on ‘at risk’ cohorts (e.g. over 50s)
Employer/system actions by end June 21
Develop competency-based workforce modelling and planning
Actions for closing the gap in recruitment and promotion outcomes – six national actions:
Ensure Executive Senior Managers own the agenda
Introduce a system of ‘comply or explain’
Organise talent panels
Enhance equality, diversity, and inclusion support.
Overhaul interview processes
Adopt resources, guides, and tools for productive conversations about race