Watch NHS England’s live stream of today’s Board meeting
24th January 2013 – Board meeting starting at 10:00am Watch the live stream of the Board meeting.
24th January 2013 – Board meeting starting at 10:00am Watch the live stream of the Board meeting.
The responsible officer regulations require each designated body to appoint one responsible officer (except for NHS England which may appoint several). However, where a conflict of interest or appearance of bias exists between the responsible officer and one of the doctors, an alternative responsible officer must be nominated or appointed for that doctor. In deciding […]
A new animated video has been developed by NHS England and the Health and Social Care Information Centre to further raise awareness of how patient data are set to be collected and used to help improve care for all. The video, “Better Information Means Better Care”, accompanies a leaflet of the same name that is […]
NHS England is establishing an Industry Reference Group to help support its work in developing a five-year strategy for specialised services. It is currently seeking representative bodies (i.e. trade associations, not individual companies) from the medical technology, pharmaceutical, bioscience and diagnostic industries to join the group. To find out more, visit our specialised services engagement […]
A doctor terminally ill with cancer will explain why her experience of being a patient led her to start a campaign to raise levels of compassion among NHS staff. Dr Kate Granger, a Specialist Registrar in Geriatric Medicine from Leeds, will tell delegates at NHS England’s Health and Care Innovation Expo what she has found […]
Sir Nick Partridge has been announced as the chair to NHS England’s Clinical Priorities Advisory Group (CPAG). Sir Nick has been interim chair of CPAG since September 2013 and after a rigorous application process and interview round at the end of 2013, Sir Nick accepted the appointment following ratification from Sir Bruce Keogh, NHS England’s […]
Nursing leaders are kick starting the new year with a ‘week of action’ focused on dignity, empathy and respect in nursing care. The fifth 6Cs Live! week of action (next week) includes the ‘Patient Experience National Conference’ with keynote speeches from Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer for England, as well as Dame Julie Mellor, Parliamentary […]
NHS England’s Chief Data Officer Dr Geraint Lewis said: “NHS England and the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) welcome the increase in public awareness and debate about NHS data usage following the nationwide distribution of the leaflet ‘Better Information Means Better Care’. “It is vital, however, that this debate is based on facts, […]
The Informatics Services Commissioning Group (ISCG) would like to invite people to join its discussions to influence the commissioning of all health and social care information and technology services. On Tuesday 21 January the ISCG will meet patients, service users, carers, and a range of organisations to get direct feedback before their official meeting in […]
Patients with schizophrenia will on average die 14.6 years earlier, bipolar 10.1 and patients with schizoaffective disorder eight years earlier than the general population. They are dying of the same conditions as the general population but have the life expectancy of people living in the 1950s. As the Department of Health launches its Mental Health […]