Case study – Bikes


Using active travel to get to community patients homes instead of traditionally using a car

What was the issue?

In a climate emergency community staff are still using their personal cars to visit patient’s homes even though they might only be 1 mile away. 

What action was taken?

Some Community Physiotherapy staff have used their bicycles to get there instead during the summer months.

What was the Delivering a Net Zero NHS benefit? 

This was not a trust organised initiative and was something individual staff did themselves. Personally, I have aimed to try to reduce my use of the car 20% per week by seeing patients that live close to me on one day of the week so I can visit them easily on my bike.  I have done 55.6 miles by bike between Dec 2020- Aug 2022, saving the trust £20.02 in travel expenses, reducing my carbon impact on the environment by 12.5kg CO2e and getting some exercise in at the same time for my own physical & mental wellbeing.

This could be expanded for community staff living in the Liverpool area who have patients within 1 mile+ of their homes where they could have the option of going by bike, walking (or maybe electric scooters if they wish).

What are the wider benefits?

Less air pollution, less greenhouse gases, healthier staff with active travel, cost benefit of avoiding using fossil fuel.

Key contact and email:

Ronan Donohoe –