Eye health
Optometry practices provide more than 13 million NHS sight tests across England per year.
These tests identify if people need glasses but also help to detect any early signs of eye disease.
Although not everyone qualifies for a free NHS sight test everyone should get their eyes tested at least every two years.
What do we do?
NHS England commissions the high street sight test and our priority is to ensure that patients receive a high quality and clinically robust service every time they visit their optometrist.
We work with optometry practices to ensure that the care you receive meets your needs and identifies if you need glasses but also spots any early signs of eye disease.
We are also working hard to identify if there are any patient groups who are missing out on sight tests and to ensure that everyone gets access to a sight test if they need one.
Who gets an NHS sight test?
Find out if you’re entitled to a free NHS sight test or an optical voucher to help reduce the cost of glasses or contact lenses.