The CQUIN scheme is intended to deliver clinical quality improvements and drive transformational change. These will impact on reducing inequalities in access to services, the experiences of using them and the outcomes achieved.
The design of the 16/17 scheme has been influenced by the ambitions of the Five Year Forward View (FYFV). CQUIN in isolation will not address these issues, but if aligned with the Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) covering the whole health and social care systems, it can be a strong lever to help bring about changes: to deliver improved quality of care to patients through clinical and service transformation.
To deliver the FYFV, organisations will move to more place based commissioning, geared towards transforming services to deliver better quality standards for patients, improving the working environment for staff, and delivering financial balance. The national indicators reflect these priorities. There is a focus on clinical quality improvements which that will help achieve better outcomes for patients. There is a new standard focussed on the health and well being of staff, directing collective action to develop a sustainable workforce – we know our greatest strength is having a healthy workforce. And, commissioners will be able to use the local CQUIN quantum to finance transformation priorities linked to delivery of their operational one year plans and the five year STPs.