For the first time we are publishing a two year scheme which will provide greater certainty and stability on the CQUIN goals leaving more time for health communities to focus on implementing the initiatives.
The CQUIN scheme is intended to deliver clinical quality improvements and drive transformational change. With these objectives in mind the scheme is designed to support the ambitions of the Five Year Forward View and directly link to the NHS Mandate and it now focuses on two areas:
- Clinical quality and transformational indicators – 13 indicators have been defined which aim to improve quality and outcomes for patients including reducing health inequalities, encourage collaboration across different providers and improve the working lives of NHS staff.
- Supporting local areas:
- Sustainability and Transformation Plans – reinforcing the critical role providers have in developing and implementing local STPs.
- Local financial sustainability – encouraging providers and commissioners to work together to achieve financial balance and to complement the introduction of system control totals at STP level.
To achieve the ambitions both individual provider contributions and cross community collaborations have a part to play. By doing so the NHS will deliver better quality standards for patients, improve the working environment for staff, and deliver financial balance.