Maternity and neonatal voices partnership guidance

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The Three-year delivery plan for maternity and neonatal services recognises that listening and responding to all women and families is an essential part of safe and high-quality care. Listening to women and families with compassion improves the safety and experience of those using maternity and neonatal services and helps address health inequalities.

Maternity and neonatal voices partnerships (MNVPs) ensure that service user voices are at the heart of decision-making in maternity and neonatal services.  The ambition for MNVPs is set out in the Three-year delivery plan for maternity and neonatal services.

The principles for MNVPs described in the guidance aim to help integrated care boards (ICBs) and trusts address the unwarranted variation in the way MNVPs are implemented across England.

The MNVP guidance was co-produced with service users and commissioners and sets out areas for ICBs and trusts to consider when commissioning and supporting effective MNVPs, in line with the requirements of the Three-year delivery plan for maternity and neonatal services.



Accessible webpage.

This guidance advises ICBs and trusts on statutory obligations in maternity and neonatal services, and actions and responsibilities in the three year delivery plan. It also suggests areas to consider when commissioning, setting up, supporting and sustaining MNVPs.

Published 28 November 2023.


Supporting materials including example job descriptions/person specifications for user leads at MNVPs and LMNSs, an example budget template and example workplan activities for Kernow MNVP.

Published 28 November 2023.



Accessible webpage.

Answers to questions that ICBs may have about ensuring MNVPs are effective, in line with the MNVP guidance. These FAQs will be reviewed and updated regularly, as required.

Published 28 November 2023.