Letter inviting expressions of interest to become a National Maternity Review Early Adopter Site

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The NHS Five Year Forward View committed to a number of actions to sustain and develop high quality maternity services across the NHS. In response, NHS England commissioned a national review of maternity services to assess the evidence from the UK and overseas on how care can be improved for women, babies and their families.


A key recommendation of ‘Better Births’ was that NHS England should seek a small number of “volunteer localities to act as early adopters” to harness enthusiasm for change and test the model of care described in the report. This call for expressions of interest seeks to identify these early adopters.



Better Births describes a vision with seven key facets. Realising this vision will drive improvement and ensure women and babies receive excellent care wherever they live.


Annex B

Annex B

  • Microsoft Word
  • 23 KB
  • 8 pages


Application form for Expressions of Interest to become a National Maternity Review Early Adopter Site.