Template sub-contract for use with the NHS Standard Contract 2017/18 and 2018/19 (shorter-form)

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This template sub-contract form should be read in conjunction with the guidance on the NHS standard sub-contract for the provision of clinical services 2017/18 and 2018/19 (full length and shorter-form versions), which is available on the NHS Standard Contract web page.


This Shorter-Form Sub-Contract has now been revised in line the January 2018 edition of the NHS Standard Contract and has been republished as this version 3.  The changes made to the Shorter-Form Sub-Contract are not considered material, and there is no expectation that providers must use it to update their existing sub-contracts, unless they wish to do so.  The Standard Sub-Contract remains a non-mandatory model, but, where providers choose to use it when entering into new sub-contracts commencing 1 February 2018 onwards, they should use this version 3; commissioners are commissioning services using the January edition of the NHS Standard Contract, and this version 3 of the Shorter-Form Sub-Contract ensures that these provisions ‘flow down’ to sub-contract level.