Agency rules: list of approved framework agreements for all staff
From 1 April 2016, trusts subject to the agency rules are required to procure all agency staff (nurses, doctors, other clinical and non-clinical staff) via framework agreements that have been approved by NHS England.
The following framework agreements are approved based on applications received and reviewed against the conditions set out for framework operators by NHS England.
We will continue to review applications on an ongoing basis and communicate outcomes to trusts. These approved framework agreements are a vehicle for enabling trusts to comply with price caps and support the agency rules.
Approved framework agreements
The following framework agreements have been approved by NHS England.
- HealthTrust Europe: Total Workforce Solutions III
- Permanent recruitment solutions:
- Lot 1a: Permanent Clinical Recruitment and Project Resourcing (including recruitment process optimisation)
- Lot 1b: Permanent Non-Clinical Recruitment and Project Resourcing (including recruitment process optimisation and statement of work)
- Lot 1c: International Permanent Recruitment
- Lot 1d: Modular International Permanent Recruitment
- Strategic Workforce Services:
- Lot 2a: Managed Bank Solutions
- Lot 2b: Managed Agency Solutions
- Lot 2c: Workforce Efficiency and Optimisation Solutions
- Temporary Staffing Solutions:
- Lot 3a: Medical Locums and General Practitioners
- Lot 3b: Nursing and Care Service Workers
- Lot 3c: Allied Health Professionals and Health Science Service Workers
- Lot 4: Non-Medical and Non-Clinical Workers (including executive recruitment)
- Lot 5: Social Care and Social Workers
- Lot 6: Master Vendor Solutions
- Permanent recruitment solutions:
- Workforce Alliance: RM6281 – Provision of Clinical and Healthcare Staffing
- Workforce Alliance: RM6278 – Flexible Resource Pool – Staff Bank
- Workforce Alliance: RM6277 – Non-Clinical Temporary and Fixed Term Staff
- Workforce Alliance: RM6333 – International Recruitment of Clinical Healthcare Professionals
- Workforce Alliance: RM6229 – Permanent Recruitment
These framework operators have committed to delivering framework agreements that fully embed the price caps against the conditions set out in the framework operator guidance published in February 2017 in line with the agency rules.
We will update this list when these framework agreements expire, are superseded by new agreements and/or additional agreements are approved.
Next steps
We encourage all trusts to contact the framework operators listed above to discuss the approved framework agreements.
Agencies can also contact the framework operators to discuss use and accessibility, including opportunities to join new framework agreements.
If you would like to enquire about becoming a framework operator, please contact in the first instance.
Contact details
The framework operators can be contacted on:
- Crown Commercial Service:
- East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub:
- HealthTrust Europe:
- NHS Commercial Solutions:
- NHS London Procurement Partnership:
- NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative: