The South West Regional Maternity & Perinatal Team aims to enable ICBs, via Local Maternity and Neonatal Systems (LMNS’), to deliver responsive, caring, safe, high-quality maternity and perinatal services.
The 3-Year Delivery Plan for Maternity and Neonatal Services sets out how the NHS will make maternity and neonatal care safer, more personalised, and more equitable for women, babies, and families, and includes roles for NHS England, ICBs and providers. The plan focuses on four key themes:
- Listening to and working with women and families, with compassion
- Growing, retaining, and supporting our workforce
- Developing and sustaining a culture of safety, learning, and support
- Standards and structures that underpin safer, more personalised, and more equitable care.
The Regional Maternity and Perinatal Team are working to ensure that NHS England meet the requirements laid out for us, while also supporting ICBs and providers to do the same.
For more information about our work please feel free to contact us. Or for those working in maternity or neonatal services in the South West, please visit our NHS Futures page for more information.