Statistics code of practice compliance
This page provides information on compliance with the Pre-release Access to Official Statistics Order 2008 and with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.
NHS England compliance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics
NHS England’s National Statistics are required to comply with the Code, while NHS England’s Official statistics follow the Code as best practice. Below is a link to the Code, and links to policies and statements which describe our compliance with specific aspects of the Code.
Code of Practice for Official Statistics
Joint DH – NHS England Disclosure and Confidentiality policy (PDF, 26K)
Joint DH – NHS England Customer Service and User Engagement statement (PDF, 20K)
Joint DH – NHS England Revisions and Corrections policy (PDF, 27K)
NHS England statement of compliance with the Pre-release Access to Official Statistics Order 2008
The attached statement is published in conformance with the Pre-release Access to Official Statistics Order 2008 which was approved by Parliament under Section 11 of the Statistics and Registration Services Act 2007.
The statement sets out NHS England’s operational arrangements for giving Ministers and selected officials pre-release access to official statistics once they are in their final form prior to publication. Such arrangements are likewise subject to statutory requirement.
These arrangements are designed to ensure that such access is justified, limited, controlled and publicised and complies with statutory requirements. Their purpose is to maintain public confidence in the integrity of official statistics while also allowing Ministers to account immediately for the implications of statistics covering policy or operational areas for which they are responsible.
Joint DH – NHS England Statement of Compliance with PRA Order v1.0 (PDF, 329KB)
Additional statistical policy documents
These are specific policies in addition to the NHS England organisation-level policies above. The revisions document below covers a subset of the SDCS data collections in relation to the code of practice for Official Statistics. A list of the data collections this applies to is provided on the second page.
SDCS Revisions Policy v1.0 (PDF, 475KB)
Statistical User Engagement Statement v1.0 (PDF, 225KB)
Review of User Responses (PDF, 18K)