Critical care and General & Acute Beds – Urgent and Emergency Care Daily Situation Reports 2024-25
General and acute beds
The following lines on beds relate to general and acute beds, using relevant definitions from the KH03 beds return. Which can be found here:
They exclude maternity and mental health beds. The figures provided should relate to the latest position on the day of reporting.
This snapshot is taken at 8am on the day of reporting. In order to better understand the occupancy pressures facing acute trusts, general and acute beds are now split between adult and paediatric beds.
Critical care beds
Adult critical care beds: count all adult critical care (ITU, HDU or other) beds that are available for critical care patients (levels 2 and 3 – except paediatrics).
The figures provided should relate to the latest position on the day of reporting. The time of this snapshot should be consistent with the general and acute beds (8am). Note that this should be the actual number of beds at that time and not the planned number of beds. Beds funded but not available due to staff vacancies should not be counted unless the vacancies have been filled by bank or agency staff. Beds that are not funded but are occupied should be counted.
The counts should be consistent with those provided for the monthly sitrep return, guidance can be found here:
Data – Excel files
Data – CSV files