NHS England’s advisory groups announce interim chairs and patient and public voice representatives
NHS England is pleased to announce the recruitment of four respective patient and public voice (PPV) representatives to its Clinical Priorities Advisory Group (CPAG) and Rare Disease Advisory Group (RDAG).
Susie Gear, Alistair Kent, Nick Sireau and Christine Collins will join RDAG with Linn Phipps, Sally Brearley, Madeline Wang, Barry Silverman joining CPAG. All representatives will receive an induction in preparation for the first meetings to take place in September and October 2013.
PPV representatives will bring important views, perspective and challenge into the Groups – championing a service user, patient and carer/family viewpoint, ensuring that the needs of the patient/carer are met through the outcomes of the programme.
PPV representatives will work alongside other members of the respective Groups, sharing responsibility for developing recommendations on national clinical priorities.
NHS England is currently recruiting for Chairs for CPAG and RDAG but in the interim, Sir Nick Partridge and Baroness Jolly have been confirmed as acting Chairs respectively.
As the CEO of the Terrence Higgins Trust and former Chair of INVOLVE, an advisory group promoting public involvement in NHS, public health and social care research, Sir Nick brings a wealth of experience to CPAG. The first formally established CPAG meeting is due to take place on 25 September 2013.
Baroness Jolly currently chairs the Specialised Healthcare Alliance, a member organisation which campaigns for those with rare or complex diseases and co-chair of the Parliamentary Party Committee on Health and Social Care. She has a strong record of active involvement in the House of Lords on healthcare issues and brings substantial NHS experience to her role of interim Chair to RDAG. The first RDAG meeting is due to take place on 15 October.
CPAG is responsible for making recommendations regarding those services which NHS England is directly responsible for commissioning, whilst RDAG will make recommendations about which highly specialised services or technologies should be considered for investment.