
Commissioning for Value: A second comprehensive data pack for CCGs

The Pathways on a Page packs released today are the latest in a series of Commissioning for Value support offers for clinical commissioning groups (CCGs).

The first packs – published in October 2013 – contained information on a range of improvement opportunities, helping each CCG identify where it could focus its efforts, by comparing spend and outcome data with that of its peers. This new pack provides in depth ‘pathways on a page’ for 13 patient conditions, within those programmes that were most commonly identified as offering the greatest potential improvements last year. To support our work towards Parity of Esteem, two mental health pathways for common mental health disorders and psychosis have also been included.

Commissioning for Value is a partnership between NHS England, Public Health England and NHS Right Care. It is about identifying priority areas which offer the best opportunities to improve healthcare for populations – improving the value that patients receive from their healthcare and improving the value that populations receive from investment in their local health system. It works with the planning round for CCGs and supports the vision for transformation set out in the recent Five Year Forward View.

Of particular interest to those CCG leads with responsibility for finance, performance, improvement and health outcomes; area team leads; and CSU teams supporting CCGs in this work, the information comes with a range of free support including online tools, case studies, videos and workshops.

The pathways, metrics and content of the packs have been developed and tested with a number of stakeholders including CCGs, NHS England’s national clinical directors, PHE’s health intelligence networks and strategic clinical networks.

While the packs are intended to support commissioners, they will also be of interest to a wider audience. The insights can help everyone engaged in a local health economy shine a shared light on where to focus attention in terms of commissioning decisions, reform, improvement and prevention.

They are intended to support health communities to take those actions which could have the most positive impact on the value of health care to local people.

By providing the commissioning system with data, evidence, tools and practical support around spend, outcomes and quality, the Commissioning for Value programme can help clinicians and commissioners transform the way care is delivered for their patients and populations.