You searched for: managed clinical networks dental

7 results

NHS England clinical and commissioning standards

NHS England’s clinical and commissioning standards relate to the commissioning of NHS dental care in England. This series has been collaboratively produced by the dental profession and commissioners overseen by chief dental officer England. NHS England has worked with Health Education England (HEE), Public Health England (PHE), specialist societies, patients and the public. Designed primarily […]

Clinical leadership

In order to have sustainable clinical leadership, capable of scaling up efforts from the grassroots level, we have established Clinical Fellowships and Clinical Entrepreneur schemes for the dental profession. With this new network of clinical leaders, we are making a significant investment in ensuring effective and influential leadership for the future. The Chief Dental Officer’s […]

Amanda Pritchard speech to NHS Providers Conference 2024

Thank you, Sathnam. It’s great to be here with you again. A lot has changed since last year. Resident doctors strikes resolved. Hard to envision then but bringing huge benefits for patients now. A new, fresh-faced, straight-talking leader has arisen. Stepping boldly where others fear to tread. Carrying the nation’s hopes that he can turn a […]

Narrowing oral healthcare inequalities in Yorkshire and the Humber

People experiencing homelessness, looked after children and vulnerable migrants are among those groups being supported by initiatives to improve access to dental services for underserved communities in Yorkshire and Humber. Following publication of the paper “Inclusion Health: applying all our health”, which calls on health and care professionals to take action to reduce healthcare inequalities, […]

Appendix A – Schedule of GP digital requirements and capabilities

Essential clinical system capabilities – foundation capabilities Essential clinical system capabilities – non-foundation capabilities Patient facing capabilities National digital services GP IT enabling requirements Enhanced requirements General practice business requirements Essential clinical system capabilities – foundation capabilities Six clinical digital capabilities enabled through software (and data) solutions which under the GP Contract are necessary to […]

Record a patient safety event

Patient safety incidents are any unintended or unexpected incidents which could have, or did, lead to harm for one or more patients receiving healthcare. Recording them supports the NHS to learn from mistakes and to take action to keep patients safe. The Learn from patient safety events (LFPSE) service also supports the capture of other […]