Posts by Jo Webster

Jo Webster joined Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) as Chief Officer in 2012 when the CCGs were established following the Health and Social Care Act in 2012, replacing Primary Care Trusts. Before then she worked at Doncaster Central PCT fulfilling various leadership roles, including commissioning cancer services. Other leadership roles include working in a senior leadership role for Yorkshire and the Humber Strategic Health Authority.
In her current role, Jo is responsible for the CCG’s planning and commissioning of health services for Wakefield. In January 2018, she also became Strategic Lead for Health and Care Transformation and Integration for Wakefield Council. This gives her overall responsibility for integrating health and care commissioning for the whole of the district.
Jo is a member of the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership System Executive Leadership Group who work together across all health care sectors to transform and improve services for the 2.6million people living in this large area.
Passionate about delivering quality care closer to home; Jo has initiated award winning programmes of work such as ‘Connecting Care Wakefield’ which has received national recognition for innovative partnership working and piloting new initiatives with care homes.
With a background in front line care services, Jo’s ultimate goal is to make sure everyone in Wakefield, West Yorkshire and Harrogate has a great start in life, and receives the support they need to stay healthy and live longer.
Jo is married, has two grown up daughters and very proud to live and work in Yorkshire.