Posts by Kathryn Evans
Kathryn Evans, RGN, BNurs (Hons), MA, Queens Nurse
Kath is the Deputy Director of Urgent Community Response for the Ageing Well Programme as part of the NHS Long Term Plan in NHS England and NHS Improvement.
Key areas of work include improving the outcomes and responsiveness of intermediate care to meet new national standards. She contributes to the greater work of the programme, which includes continuing the roll out of the Enhanced Health in Care Homes framework including, NHSmail into the independent social care sector and supporting community multidisciplinary teams in improving outcomes for people with frailty and multimorbidity.
Kath’s background includes working as a nurse with over 25 years’ experience in the NHS, in professional leadership, service development and operational management in the community. Kath has worked at a regional level in service improvement and assurance and delivery of CCG’s.
She has led on improving the reduction in Delayed Transfers of Care from hospital and was the Community Nurse lead for NHS England having a background as a District Nurse.
Kath is passionate about partnership working across health and social care and community services.
Follow her on Twitter: @kathevans2015</a