Local COVID-19 vaccination contacts
This page is for people who have been advised by their specialist or GP that they need additional protection against COVID-19. This includes:
- Anyone who has had a stem cell transplant or CAR-T therapy.
- People aged 6 months and over who have a health condition or are receiving treatment that severely weakens their immune system.
If you are not in one of these groups, you cannot currently book a COVID-19 vaccination. The NHS will contact you if your NHS record suggests you may be eligible for COVID-19 vaccination in spring.
Read more on COVID vaccinations on NHS.UK.
How to get a COVID-19 vaccination
If you are in one of these groups, your specialist or GP should help you find a local appointment. They must complete a patient specific direction form (FutureNHS log in required) and advise you on when you should get vaccinated.
If your specialist or GP cannot arrange an appointment for you, please contact your local integrated care board (ICB) using the contact details below.
How to find your local COVID-19 vaccination contacts
You can then find your local ICB from the list below. Please email the ICB if you can. If you are not able to get online, you can contact the ICB by telephone instead.
If you do not know which ICB to contact, ask your GP surgery.
You can also find your ICB on this NHS portal:
- type in your town or village in the ‘Organisation’ search bar
- select your GP surgery from the list (click on the cross icon on the left)
- your ICB is listed under ‘Higher Health Geography’
NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes ICB
- Email: blmkicb.contactus@nhs.net
- Contact number: 0800 148 8890
NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICB
- Email: cpicb.pet@nhs.net
- Contact number: 0800 279 2535
NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB
- Email: hweicbwe.patientfeedback@nhs.net
- Contact number: 01992 566122
- Email: covidvaccines@nhs.net
- Contact number: 0344 257 3961
- Email: nwicb.contactus@nhs.net
- Contact number: 01603 595857
NHS Suffolk and North East Essex ICB
- Email:
- Email: pals@snee.nhs.uk
- Contact number: 01473 770 000
- Email: nclicb.covid-19vaccine@nhs.net
- Contact number: 020 3198 9743
- Email: nelondonicb.vaccinations@nhs.net
- Contact number: 0208 221 5650
- Email: nhsnwl.immunisations@nhs.net
- Contact number: 07776 548 910
- Email: selicb.covidvaccinations@nhs.net
- Contact number: 020 7188 4040
NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB
- Email: bsolvaccinationbookings@uhb.nhs.uk
- Contact number: 0121 371 8445
- Email: rwh-tr.rovingvacteam@nhs.net
- Contact number: 07391 410957
NHS Coventry and Warwickshire ICB
For general queries:
- Email: CWICB.your.vaccination@nhs.net
- Contact number: 01926 351560
- Email: ddicb.associatedservices@nhs.net
- Contact number: 07377 734247
NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire ICB
- Email: Thl.planning@nhs.net
- Contact number: 01432 270636
- Email: hwicb.swhealthcare@nhs.net
- Contact number: 01905 969865
NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ICB
- Email: llrpcl.cbt@nhs.net
- Contact number: 0116 497 5700
- Email: licb.imms@nhs.net
- Contact number: 01522 573020
- Contact number: 01604 476 999
- Email: Northantsicb.spoc@nhs.net
NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB
- Email: nnicb-nn.patientexperience@nhs.net
- Contact number: 0115 883 9570
NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin ICB
- Email: Shropcom.Immunosuppressedpathway@nhs.net
- Contact number: 07874 638707
NHS Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICB
- Email: PatientServices@staffsstoke.icb.nhs.uk
- Contact number: 0808 196 8861
NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB
- Email: hnyicb-c19.vaccinationprogramme@nhs.net
- Contact number: 01904 555999
NHS North East and North Cumbria ICB
- Email: necsu.immunosuppressedney@nhs.net
- Contact number: (0191) 486 2001
- Email: syicb-sheffield.covid19vaccinations@nhs.net
- 03330 410021
COVID vaccination enquiries
- Contact number: 03330410021 – menu option 2
- Contact number: 03330 410021 – menu option 3
- Contact number: 03330 410021 – menu option 4
- Contact number: 03330 410021 – menu option 5
- Contact number: 03330 410021- menu option 6
- Email: leedsth-tr.wyvaccineops@nhs.net
- Contact number: 01924 552150
NHS Cheshire and Merseyside ICB
- Email: enquiries@cheshireandmerseyside.nhs.uk
- Contact number: 0800 132 996
- Email: england.gm.massvaccpmo@nhs.net
- Contact number: 0800 092 4020 or 0161 947 0770
NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB
- Email: healthierlsc.svoc-info.c19vacc@nhs.net
- Contact number: 0300 7906 856
NHS Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West ICB
Email: bobicb.palscomplaints@nhs.net
- Contact number: 0800 328 5640
- Contact number: 0800 052 6088
Berkshire West
- Contact number: 0118 982 2720
- Email: scwcsu.palscomplaints@nhs.net
- Contact number: 0300 561 0250
NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICB
- Email: covid.vaccination.enquiries@nhs.net
- Contact number: 0300 561 0018
- Email: kmicb.vaccinations@nhs.net
- Contact number: 01634 335095
- Email: syheartlandsicb.svoc@nhs.net
- Contact number: 0300 561 1555
- Email: sxccg.vaccineenquiries@nhs.net
- Contact number: 0300 140 9854
NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire ICB
- Email: scwcsu.palscomplaints@nhs.net
- Contact number: 0300 561 0250
NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire ICB
- Email: bnssg.massvaccination@nhs.net
- Contact number: 0117 900 2655 or 0800 073 0907 (freephone)
NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly ICB
- Email: ciosicb.vaccinations@nhs.net or rcht.vaccination@nhs.net
- Contact number: 01726 627800 or 01872 250000
- Email: d-icb.devonvaccinationsupport@nhs.net
- Contact number: 01752 398836
- Email: dhc.covidplus@nhs.net
- Contact number: 07779 264351
- Contact number for Housebound: 07552 007714
- Email: ghn-tr.c19vaxbookings@nhs.net
- Contact number: 01452 566698 or 0800 0151 548 (freephone)
- Email: somicb.pals@nhs.net
- Contact number: 08000 851067