We’re using technology to help health and care professionals communicate better and enable people to access the care they need quickly and easily, when it suits them.
From websites and apps that make care and advice easy to access wherever you are, to connected computer systems that give staff the test results, history and evidence they need to make the best decisions for patients, we’re working smarter to provide better care than ever before.
The NHS Long Term Plan was published on 7 January 2019. The plan sets out our ambitions for improvement over the next decade, following the five year funding settlement announced by the government in July 2018. The plan underpins the importance of technology in the future NHS; setting out the critical priorities that will support digital transformation and provide a step change in the way the NHS cares for citizens.
Following the merger of NHS Digital and NHS England on 1 February 2023, NHS England is responsible for designing and operating national data infrastructure and digital systems.
People, data and technology are crucial to the ongoing evolution of our NHS.
By working together in these key areas, we will support and enable local systems to:
- work in more efficient ways
- improve diagnosis and treatment
- improve services.