General practice should record appointments conducted by all health and care professionals
Since the introduction of the Network Directed Enhanced Service (DES) Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS), NHS England and Improvement is aware that some appointments conducted by the wider workforce are not yet being recorded in appointment books.
To ensure that all appointments are being captured, practices should check that appointments delivered for the practice by all health and care professional groups (including trainees) are being recorded.
In particular, practices should check that all appointments delivered by Social Prescribing Link Workers are being recorded (as well as more accurately recording the number of link workers in the workforce dataset).
Health and care professionals
- General Practitioner
- Practice Nurse
- Health Care Assistants
- Social Prescribing Link Worker
- Physician Associate
- First Contact Practitioner
- Community Paramedic
- Pharmacist
- Pharmacist Technician
- Health and Wellbeing Coach
- Care Co-ordinator
- Occupational Therapist
- Dietician
- Podiatrist
- All other registered clinical professionals
Next page: What should, and should not, be captured in the appointment book?