Case study: Having a good home: siblings live the life they choose
Case study summary
Trafford Clinical Commissioning Group submitted a bid for complex case funding to NHS England and NHS Improvement for £12,500 to buy specialist equipment and furniture to support two young siblings to move into their own home.
Using a planned, proactive, and highly person-centred approach the siblings were to move into their new shared home. To make the move possible it was essential that high quality bespoke toughened equipment and furniture was installed into the property.
As a result of this proactive intervention, the siblings live in a comfortable home of their own, with furniture that keeps them safe and their house looks like any well looked after home. The siblings were used to this furniture in the family home and in respite settings, so it was is familiar to them.
A parent has said that the furniture is specifically built to support people with challenging behaviour. It means that it won’t break if it is thrown or jumped on. All the furniture is easy to wipe and keep clean. This is very important as they can both have accidents with continence, in particular for their son who is doubly incontinent. This is especially important because if you don’t have furniture that can be easily cleaned rooms can smell. This doesn’t happen with Tough Furniture, and it provides them with the dignity to live in a house that doesn’t smell.
Trafford Community Learning Disability team noted the resounding success of the move which meant the siblings could thrive, adding that this was in no small part due to the NHS England and NHS Improvement award which meant the tough furniture, which was essential for the placement to function, was bought and installed in a timely way. The team noted that the risk of carer and placement breakdown was high whilst the siblings were living at home with parents and would have no doubt resulted in the splitting up of the siblings. The use of expensive assessment and treatment units and/or out of area placements, was averted.