Pharmacy opening hours information

Christmas and New Year bank holiday weekends in London 2024/25

Pharmacists can advise you on a range of minor medical issues. Seeing a pharmacist is often the best first step for minor health concerns, and they can provide one-to-one, confidential consultations.

A list of pharmacies in London that are open over the Christmas bank holiday (25-26 December 2024) and New Year bank holiday (1 January 2025) is available below:

Pharmacy opening hours for the Christmas and New Year bank holidays.

You can also use the NHS Pharmacy Finder to find an open pharmacy near you:

Some GP services will be available over the bank holiday. If you have a health concern, contact your GP practice, or use the NHS 111 online service for quick health advice. If you’re unable to get online, call 111.

If you think you need urgent dental treatment, contact your dentist. If you cannot contact your dentist or don’t have one, use the NHS 111 online service. If needed, an urgent appointment will be arranged at an out-of-hours service.

We hope you have a good time over the bank holiday, but please remember to drink responsibly, look after yourself, and only call 999 in a life-threatening emergency.