Classification: Official
Publication reference: PRN00117
Document checklist to support inpatient Care (Education) and Treatment (C(E)TR) Review
Listed below are the documents that the hospital should prepare ahead of the review for the C(E)TR panel. These should be shared via secure email no later than 24 hours prior to the review:
- My C(E)TR planner, including evidence of consent or a best interest decision for the C(E)TR to go ahead. Please note that if consent is not indicated then the panel must not read any additional information that has been circulated.
- A copy of the previous C(E)TR report (if applicable) and action plan.
- The completed physical health and medication sections of the key lines of enquiry for this C(E)TR.
In addition to these documents, the hospital should also prepare the following:
(these can be circulated in advance or supplied in a pack on the day for the panel to review)
- most recent risk assessments
- most recent Mental Health Act tribunal report (if applicable)
- the community service specification and/or discharge plan
- safeguarding reports from the last year
- incident forms where restraint was used, either since admission or last C(E)TR
- recent care plans
- health action plan
- education, health and care plan and minutes of most recent annual review
- communication passport
- hospital passport
- activity planner
- most recent multidisciplinary team meeting minutes.
As C(E)TRs have now returned to face to face, consideration should be given to the amount of personal information that is circulated via email ahead of the review. Reading time for the panel will be included in the agenda on the day although the aim of the review is ensuring a balance between reviewing documents, speaking to the person and their family, and observing the environment.
All C(E)TR panel members should ensure they demonstrate compliance with the six principles of the Data Protection Act. All panel members must act in accordance with contractual agreements aligned to partnership guidelines around sharing information and their professional code of conduct.