Patient Group Directions (PGDs)

The PGDs that can be accessed from this page are authorised for use across the East Midlands only. Staff working for practices in other areas should contact their local SIT.

The latest version of all PGDs will have been sent to your practice manager and are published below. Any previous versions of PGDs must be taken out of circulation but must be retained by the practice as per NHS records policy (details below).

Retention of PGDs

As they are the legal authorisation for a non-prescriber to administer (or, occasionally, supply) a prescription only medicine, PGDs should be kept as per other clinical records, i.e. for adults, all PGD documentation must be kept for eight years, and for children until the child is 25 years old, or for eight years after a child’s death.

Full information about retention of NHS records is available on the Records Management Code of Practice 2021.

Travel PGDs

Travel vaccinations do not fall within our remit as they are not commissioned under Section 7a of the NHS public health functions agreement.

The UKHSA produce template PGDs for NHS funded travel vaccines. These must be signed off by regional commissioners prior to being legally valid.

Please be aware that for non-NHS funded travel vaccines for which the patient may (Hepatitis B solely for travel) or must (pre-exposure rabies vaccine, Meningitis ACWY solely for travel, etc.) be charged these cannot legally be included in a PGD. Therefore, a PSD or prescription will always be required. The BMA produce helpful advice about this: Focus on hepatitis B immunisations.

The following travel PGDs are available for use in the East Midlands:

For any queries relating to travel vaccinations please contact the UKHSA Health Protection Team on Tel: 0344 225 4524 or

PGDs for use in the East Midlands

Primary to pre-school immunisations

School aged immunisations

Adult immunisations

Individuals at increased risk

Seasonal influenza

Covid-19 national PGDs and Protocols