East Midlands Screening and Immunisation Team (SIT)

East Midlands Screening and Immunisation Team (SIT) commission and co-ordinate screening and immunisation programmes across the East Midlands region.

These webpages are primarily directed at health care professionals delivering the services that we commission. If you are a member of the public seeking information about NHS screening or immunisation programmes please go to the NHS website or speak to your GP, practice nurse or other health care professional.

Our main aim is to use this website to make information more easily accessible to primary care professionals who provide immunisation services, and to publish materials (eg PGDs) in support of this. Comprehensive information about the national screening programmes is available on Gov.UK website.

Most information that you require about immunisation, including the Green Book and Vaccine Update, can be found on the Gov.UK website.


Contact us

If you have any queries or wish to contact the team, please email us:

Please send any screening enquiries and incidents to our East Midlands screening generic inbox: england.em.screening@nhs.net

Routine and selective immunisation programmes: england.emids-imms@nhs.net.

Staff working in other areas should contact their local SIT. Details of NHS England offices can be found by following the link to the regional team pages using the ‘contact us’ tab above.

Contacts for the BCG Programme – East Midlands

County 0-12 Months Over 12 months
Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland Leicester Royal Infirmary and Leicester General Hospital

0116 2585522 /0116 2587643 or

email via bcgclinics@uhl-tr.nhs.uk

Leicester Royal Infirmary and Leicester General Hospital

0116 2583757 or


e-mail via Uho-tr.tbservice@nhs.net.

Lincolnshire Lincoln County Hospital and

Pilgrim Hospital


Lincoln County Hospital and

Pilgrim Hospital


Northamptonshire Northampton General Hospital

antenatalnewbornscreening.ngh@nhs.net ngh-tr.maternityimms@nhs.net


Kettering General Hospital


Northampton General Hospital

antenatalnewbornscreening.ngh@nhs.net ngh-tr.maternityimms@nhs.net


Kettering General Hospital


Nottinghamshire Sherwood Forest Hospital



Nottingham University Hospital-



Sherwood Forest Hospital



Nottingham University Hospital-



Derbyshire University Hospitals of Derby and Burton-




Chesterfield Royal Hospital  dianeholland@nhs.net

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton-




Chesterfield Royal Hospital  dianeholland@nhs.net