Annual assessment of integrated care boards (ICBs)

Under the terms of the NHS Act 2006 (as amended by the Health and Care Act 2022), NHS England is required to undertake an annual assessment of each ICB in respect of each financial year and publish a summary of these assessments.

Guidance for completing the 2023/24 assessments was developed together with ICBs and sets out the areas that annual assessments covered as well as information on timing and process. Individual assessments were shared with the relevant ICB chairs who were asked to consider publishing these alongside their organisation’s annual reports and accounts.

The report for 2023/24 is a summary of the assessment of each ICB covering how effectively they have led their local NHS system and their contribution to each of the four core purposes of an integrated care system. It summarises an assessment of performance during the 2023/24 financial year and reflects NHS England’s views relating to that period only; it does not necessarily indicate NHS England’s views of performance at the time of publication.