Jennifer Hazel
Jennifer Hazel
Jennifer Hazel, care support worker on ward F2 at Sheffield Teaching Hospital helps patients with their daily living activities and carries out clinical observations. Prior to joining the NHS Jennifer worked as a hairdresser amongst a range of professions.
‘Our ward is a fast-paced, post-operative surgical ward, and our patients have had a wide variety of operations. This ensure my work is always different and I experience new challenges every day.
‘I absolutely love my job and feel a sense of fulfilment every day. I get to make patients hospital stay a little better for them and their loved ones. Every day I make a difference to someone’s life which is my main drive.
‘My colleagues have become like family to me and we can bounce ideas off each other and work effectively as a team. We all have the same philosophy on our ward, and we care about our patients.
‘I am very proud to be part of Sheffield Teaching Hospitals and believe the training offered when I started in post was of a great standard and helped me overcome my fears of not being able to undertake the role. I’m keen to continue my career and look out for opportunities available to me.’
Jennifer adds: ‘This job is a privilege and has allowed me to express myself and learn whilst enjoying my role. I would recommend my job to anyone and if I can achieve my goals, anyone can!’