Diabetes is a high priority for the health care economy across the North West Coast.
The North West Coast Clinical Network (NWCCN) has delivered the national diabetes programme as well as Quality Assurance for the programme locally since 2016. The team works seamlessly across two ICS/Bs utilising the expertise to ensure equitable knowledge of the nationally delivered programmes
The main priorities for the Diabetes Network include prevention, treatment and care (achieving the diabetes treatment targets, delivery of the diabetes care processes, multidisciplinary footcare teams, diabetes inpatient nurse specialists, structured education). We work in collaboration with health care providers, including Hospitals, GP’s, Commissioners as well as voluntary organisations and members of the public to work and behalf of the Integrated care systems and NHS England towards reducing the numbers of avoidable deaths by treating and managing patients in the right place at the right time and by the right person
Our programme of work includes:
- (Tackling increasing prevalence of diabetes). NHS National Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP) for people with Type 2 Diabetes
- Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement
- Improve outcomes for diabetes across health domains.
- Increase knowledge and self-care for diabetes patients
- Patient engagement
- Improve diabetes and pre-diabetes data intelligence