
Diabetes prevention programme (NDPP)

The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP) is an NHS England, Diabetes UK and Public Health England led initiative.

The NWC CN have supported the various ‘waves’ across the Cheshire and Merseyside ICS and the Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS . The NHS NDPP is delivering a systematic approach to reducing the risk of people developing diabetes. It requires stakeholders from CCGs, Public Health, Primary Care and the service provider to work together in a challenging environment. The role of the NWC CN is to coordinate this.

Low Calorie Diet

Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS/B has joined the national pilot for low calorie diet seeking in the first instance to recruit 500 eligible patients across the area. 500 patients will be recruited over a 2-year period.

Treatment and Care

As part of the National Diabetes Treatment and Care Programme NHS England  invested several £million  initially and further investments followed in proposals from individual CCGs.

Initiatives have included:

  • increasing uptake of structured education
  • improving achievement of the NICE recommended treatment targets (HbA1c, blood pressure and cholesterol for adults, HbA1c only for children)
  • reducing the number of amputations by improving access to multi-disciplinary foot care teams
  • reducing lengths of hospital stays by improving access to specialist inpatient support.

The network supports transformation across the region through the projects and transformation steering groups at a regional and local level, whilst also providing Quality Assurance.

Patient engagement

The NWC CN Diabetes Interest Group has been formed to create a connected database of interested stakeholders, who wish to be involved with the Diabetes work of the CN.

People who sign up with us will get information about the CN’s work. They will also have the chance to get involved in several different ways depending on the interests and preferences declared at registration

Data intelligence

The NWC CN  work with stakeholders from across the Cheshire and Merseyside ICS and the Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS to develop data to support the various Steering Groups with key lines of enquiry and assurance activities. We have worked with stakeholders to ensure that all metrics add values with an emphasis on intelligence and narrative to provide the network with intelligence to inform commissioning decisions and identify variations and inequalities. The network use the national diabetes dashboard including national diabetes audits, local level data and other sources of data.