
The Cardiac Pathway Improvement Programme (CPIP) brings together:

  • NHSE collective priorities set out in the Long Term Plan,
  • GIRFT,
  • Specialised Commissioning,
  • National Outpatient Transformation Programme.

The National CPIP team works in alignment with existing national programmes, focusing on key goals and priorities, and supports Cardiac Networks and Systems to deliver a comprehensive approach to whole pathway improvement and transformation.

Cardiac Networks have been formed to lead this whole-pathway change, working with local healthcare systems.

Our vision is ……

Meaning, for patients and the public….

  • Reduced mortality due to cardiovascular disease
  • More preventative and proactive care, so people remain healthier longer and avoid unnecessary admissions to hospital
  • Better quality and safety of care across the pathway leading to better outcomes
  • Reduced waits for diagnostics, assessment, and care because services are restored post-COVID
  • Better experiences of care
  • More equitable access to care across different groups and different geographies
  • More sustainable costs of care


Cardiac pathway improvement: Vision and priorities