CYP: About Us
Who are we?
The Cheshire & Merseyside Clinical Network group is chaired by Jan Sutherland-Oakes, Director of Services at Claire House Hospice. The Lancs & South Cumbria Clinical Network Group is chaired by Dr Vanessa Holme, Consultant Paediatrician at East Lancs Hospital. The Greater Manchester Zonal Network Group is co-chaired by Anna Oddy, Children’s Complex and Palliative Care Specialist Nurse and Lydia Bowden, Consultant Neonatologist, Northern Care Alliance. Meet the team to find out more about the people who work in the CYP Palliative Care Network.
What we do
The Clinical Network Groups work closely with many people to improve services for children, young people, their families and carers, and those important to them. Some of the people we work with include Hospices and Charitable organisations such as Derian House Hospice, Claire House Hospice, Francis House Hospice, Together for Short Lives, The Rainbow Trust, Jolly Josh. More information on these and more can be found here.
Work Programme
The North West CYP networks have developed a delivery plan based on national metrics and local priorities. These include:
Service Mapping – We aim to establish a North West baseline of available services and a gap analysis so that we can work on ensuring 24/7 equitable access to specialist palliative care for all ages.
Workforce Scoping – We aim to provide an overview of the people who work in Children’s palliative care services in the North West to ensure that the best quality care is delivered by staff who are confident and skilled.
Education and Training – To support the workforce to have the skill knowledge and confidence to deliver high quality end of life care by providing access to Advanced Communication Skills and basic awareness of Advance Care Planning.
Point Prevalence Study – To support the sustainable funding and delivery of palliative and end of life care (PEOLC) across the North West Region with each ICS including PEOLC as a strategic priority in their delivery plans. See links below for more information about Integrated Care Systems (ICS) in the North West.
Rapid Discharge Pathway – To develop a consistent approach across the North West Region to facilitate urgent or rapid discharge for those children and families who need it most.