Wessex community pharmacy information
This page includes information for community pharmacies in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. You will find information for community pharmacies in Dorset here. If you are from a community pharmacist in Wessex and have a query, please email us at england.wessexpharmacy@nhs.net.
In this section:
- Contact details – Wessex pharmacy team
- Guidance documents
- Controlled drugs team (CDAO)
- Changes to hours and market entry
- Pharmacy resources
- Patient safety and safeguarding
Contact Details
The document below has contact details for NHS England South (Wessex) Pharmacy team. It also includes the procedure if a patient would like to make a complaint.
- Forged Prescriptions – What to do if you are presented with a forged Prescription
- Whistleblowing guidance for Primary Care
Controlled Drugs Team (CDAO)
It is important that all controlled drugs incidents are reported immediately and any concerns or issues regarding controlled drugs raised immediately so that appropriate action can be taken without delay.
Arrangements for the CDAO from the 1st October 2018
When reporting CD incidents only use the web based system.
This is for all incidents and concerns involving controlled drugs, including dispensing errors and unresolved balance discrepancies, as well as requests for controlled drugs destruction, they all need to be reported to NHS England via the online controlled drugs reporting portal.
Dorset only – when submitting incident reports via the online portal it is important that you select ‘NHS England South West’ instead of ‘Wessex’ in the drop down menu.
Overseeing the management and use of Controlled Drugs for Dorset is:
- Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer: Jon Hayhurst
- Deputy Accountable Officer: Darren Barnett
The Team can be emailed at england.southwestcontrolleddrugs@nhs.net. This email address should be used for requests for authorised witnesses for the destruction of expired controlled drugs.
Hampshire and the Isle of Wight only – when submitting incident reports via the online portal it is important that you select ‘NHS England South (South East)’ instead of ‘Wessex’ in the drop down menu.
Overseeing the management and use of Controlled Drugs for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight is:
- Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer: Sue Carter
- Controlled Drugs Pharmacist: Carole Boarer
The Team can be emailed at england.southeastcdao@nhs.net. This email address should be used for requests for authorised witnesses for the destruction of expired controlled drugs.