Information for medical professionals in Kent, Medway, Surrey and Sussex

Links to information and support for professionals working in Kent, Surrey and Sussex are below.

For GP appraisal and revalidation queries, please email:

For queries relating to concerns or complaints, please email:


Revalidation and appraisal

Below are forms and documents to support NHS England (Kent, Surrey and Sussex)) revalidation and appraisals.

Visit the Medical revalidation section of the website to find out more about revalidation.


Support for GPs

Details of organisations GPs may contact for help and support, such as the GP Health Service, Local Medical Committees (LMCs), the BMA Counselling and Doctor Advisory Service, and the British International Doctors’ Association.


Support for dentists

Details of organisations dentists may contact for help and support, such as the Local Dental Committees (LDCs), the Dentists’ Health Support Programme, Health Education Kent Surrey Sussex, and MedNet.


Reporting concerns


Finance advice for suppliers

Advice and guidance for suppliers on setting up and account and using the Tradeshift web portal invoice system.