Pharmacy resources

Useful links

Useful information, references and resources relating to community pharmacy, essential services and contract matters can be found here:


Data and Information Governance

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has published findings from its work relating to community pharmacies. These findings promote good practices and make recommendations about how to improve data protection within community pharmacies.

It is important for pharmacy contractors to consider best practices related to information governance and security.


Health Promotion Programme – mandatory campaigns for the forthcoming year

Here you will find information on the diary of events and campaigns for the forthcoming year. Campaign material will be sent to you, however online versions and downloadable digital resources can be accessed from PHE Campaign Centre.

Health Promotion Evaluation Reports



We use PharmOutcomes, a web-based tool, to collect the majority of the data and service information we need from community pharmacies. It enables us to easily audit and manage services which gives us a mechanism to effectively analyse and report on the services that we commission. It reduces your burden making the process simpler for you and less paper heavy and it builds the evidence base for community pharmacy services; helping you and benefiting patients.

Please ensure you use this tool to report when required and always ensure your details are up to date.

What to do if you are a new owner

If you have recently gone through the Transfer of Ownership process and need to update your ODS Code, you will need to contact the PharmOutcomes helpdesk to obtain a PharmOutcomes account. You can do this by completing the Contact Us message form on the PharmOutcomes website. Please include the ODS code along with the full name and address of the pharmacy and if possible the previous owners ODS code in the message.


Pharmacy Returns Timetable


Sign Posting

Pharmacy staff should provide information about other health and social care providers to people visiting the pharmacy who require further support, advice or treatment which cannot be provided by the pharmacy.

A Sign posting Refer and Record document has been created for people to download, save and print.

