Information for professionals
The South West primary care medical team is based in different offices but work as a team across the whole of Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. Members of the team all have particular roles, but provide cross-cover if any of them are away.
Their generic mailbox is monitored daily:
The Public Health GP Bulletin is sent out every Friday via email to practice managers. It includes latest news, alerts and guidance.
Medical policies and procedures for primary care are available from the NHS England website.
Interpretation and translation services
From 1 October 2019 Language Empire is the service provider for BNSSG, Somerset, Devon and Cornwall. Language Empire will be providing:
- Spoken face-to-face interpreting
- Telephone interpreting
- Translation/transcription services
In order to book, manage, track, or cancel a linguist request, please sign into Language Empire’s online LE-LSM portal. Please note that you will require the specific username and password/PIN for your Practice, which will have been shared with the Practice directly from Language Empire, to access services.
You can also find helpful service support materials and additional information on the Language Empire site, such as:
- How to Request Language Services
- On Demand Telephone Access Cards
- How to Request Translation Services
- Best Practice Guides for Using Interpreters
- Language ID Charts
Language Empire have a dedicated customer services telephone line and email that is operational 24-hours a day, 7 days a week for any queries:
Telephone: 0330 20 20 270
British Sign Language (BSL) Interpretation:
BSL services will continue to be provided by the current BSL providers, with the exception of provision for GP Practices in Devon where the CCG have made other arrangements for medical services:
- BNSSG – Action on Hearing Loss
- Somerset – Capita
- Devon – Language Empire (GP Practices should contact Devon CCG for details of the provider)
- Cornwall – Hearing Loss Cornwall
Useful links for primary care
Helpful websites and resources for practices. This is the place to go to for the most up to date information on Directed Enhanced Services (including specifications) and other GP contract changes.
Models Of Care Website
Models of Care has just released a great new website, it’s has been refreshed and updated with great new content. It’s easy to use and provides a great online community for the primary care network covering the South West and beyond.